Show Santa Fo Washout Denver July 22A special to the News from Pueblo Colo says 111 fortune for-tune seems to be pursuing the Santa Fe Railroad In this vicinity High water near Chico twenty mlles east of Pueblo floated a tie under the engine of an eastbound freight train this morning and caused the engine and four cars to leave the track The engine en-gine turned over on Its side In the mud The engineer Iheman and head end brakeman escaped by jumping and no one was hurt Several hours later the heavy downpour rendered Impassable tho temporary track which was built after the Bob creek ditch broke Its banks at Nepesta Saturday evening and carried away the Kramer creek bridge ho that the line to the east Is i again tied up and through trains must run over the Rio Grande from Pueblo to Trinidad Even this may not be open to the Santa Fe as there are heavy rains on the Rio Grande be tween here and Trinidad with a possi bility of washouts before morning |