Show WILL KILL THE WHITES A Squaw Man Says They Are All Sure to Bo Massacred The Settlers Setters Alive to Their Danger and Are Intrenched Awaiting the Attack But the Accounts Are Conflicting and May Exaggerate Market Lake Ida July 22 Thirty men left Jacksons Hole to arrest all the Indians breaking the game laws of Wyoming In Hoback canyon they surprised sur-prised a camp of seventeen Indians took them all prisoners and started with them for Jacksons Hole In the canyon they tried to escape and all the Indians were killed except one papoose who was brought Into the Hole Then were 133 fresh elk skins In this camp Johnnie Carries a squaw man and a1 the oldest settler In Jacksons Hole has come over Into Idaho and says every settler In Jackson will be butchered There were 300 Bannock warriors on the Hoback river when Carnes was there and he says all the squaws have been sent away and bucks are dally Joining the main band Jacksons Hole settlers are now Intrenched and await ing the attack Unless cavalry get there quick every setter between Jack sons Hole and this railway station Is In danger of massacre |