Show r Tho Tariff Load Schedule Washington July 201he Treasury officials arc In a quandary on tho question ques-tion of carrying Into effect that oectlon of the tariff act which piovldos that Bllverleud ores 1111101 tell Into the United Uni-ted States shall bo munpltd and assayed as-sayed at tho port of entry accoullng to the commeiclal usages Home months ago the department invited In-vited bids for doing this work during the coming year and required the erection erec-tion of the necessary building at each port 1 rime bids were opened today and It was found that only two propositions were made both for the volt of El Paso Tex Tho El Paso Sampling Works offered to do tho necessary sampling sam-pling at CO cents a ton or 750 a carload car-load and the Taylor Brunton Sampling Sam-pling Works at Aspen Colo 60 cents per ton where from onellfth to one tenth of the ore was sampled or 85 cents to crush and sample all ores on terrd As there are about fifteen points In the West Northwest and Pugpt sound sections for which no bids were received re-ceived tho ofllcluls are at a loss to know what to do Under the system employed under the McKInley act a large share of the ores were shipped to and sampled at bonded smelters In the Interior The remainder were sampled In n Very primitive manner at the border bor-der It seems clear that this requirement of the act cannot be put Into operation and the result Is likely to be a return to the old methods Assistant Secretary Secre-tary Hamlln will however take up the matter on his return to Washington next week |