Show if < o Grande Western RR 4 Iulimtn Sleepers and Buffet Cars on nil Through Trains tie Tablo No U lu effect March 311E9S i Ilound Stations ta8t Ilound ti I las 1asaMixed I D D SE 6U pin Snit Lako 9 M um 526 pm 1 610 pm Provo S8G nm 365 pm y r am 633 pm SprltiRvlllo 822 am 340 pm nm 8l2pmSpnnl8lirork8I7nm 320pm um 060 pm PnYSon 80 nm 22 pm 4 am S05 pm Eurclia 642 am 100 pm am BSO pm l mmotU 082 am 145 pm am 8aopm Silver City 815am 123Opm ADLEIOII Gen Pass ana Ticket Agent DODGE Gen Mgr hAnCOCK Trnfflo Mgr BU Lake City E It HUNT Agent Spanish Fork he Union Pacifio System THE THROUGH CAR LINE AL Tnn CARD In effect Jnne 231805 f found North Dound r ve STATIONS Arrive im halt Lako Ulty 445pm rn imm Sandy 4MOpm m Lehl Junction 341pm ft i oln American Fork 3Sflpra m Ilcaxantarovo I2tpm am Provo 310pm aui Bparlih Fork 2 2pm imam Par on 2lgpm im-am Nephl liOOpm > am Arrive I J J Leave l16pm um Leavo f Tllnh 1 Arrive i0pm pm Oasis gr 55in ipm Arrive Leave IOtbm MllfolJ 1 pm LVnvo i f01 Arrive f 545am ipm Frlnco 30am alns south of Juab run dally except S unday trough Pullman Palace Sleepers to Chicago lout change Improved Tour Bt bleiipors o reclining chair curs Elegant day coaches 10 only Ihs operating Dining cur service lilt BUOIITKST AND 1MBTEHT LItIC TO ALT c ITS EAST i E HURLEY Jon Agent raisenger Dept y Ticket Ofllce Z01 Main SI Salt Lulio C ley if E LAWSON Agent Spanish ForkS Fork-S H n CLAKK OLIVE W MINK E ELLriir ADDEimoN JOHN W DOANE ECIBDIIICIC 11 CONDCIIT KcoelverH I I I LOUAX Gen Iass und Ticket Aernt t 1 I DICKINSON Gen Mgr Omaha Nubrattca I r FORE SALE r V l fteen ncres of farm lands in the f ish Fork new aurvoy for cash Imy j I iiorincrchan dlse Enquire of J S < Jr Paysor i Utnb r DONT STOP TOBACCO i V 1 to Cure Yourself WhiU Using II T J tobncCjO habit grows on a man um iU nervrtja sjateru Is serlolltIv affect npalrlns health comfort and haps js To quit suddenly Is too eevore n i fc to thb bystein as tobacco to an terato user becoinos a KtiiuulBiit his Byntcm continually crhvce Ha I ro is n scientific cure for the tohao < ublt I in all its forms carefully com I ided aftoi the formula of an eminent t In Physician who has used it In his ate practice since 1872 without u f irC purely vegetable and guaranteed i actly harmless You can use all the f < ceo yon want while taking Disco I it will noUty you when to stop I I ive H written gusrantoo to pormau ly euro any caso with three boxes or I md the money with ton per cent In I i i at Baco Curo is not a substitute I a 1 scientific cure that cures without i o aid of will power and with no incon I ince I It leaves the system as pure I f I tree from nicotine as the day you I j c yonr first chew or smoke Bold by I druggists with our ironclad goarani I at 100pcr box three boxes thlrtj 4 treatment 250 or Bent direct up t flCelpt Of VliclI SEND SIX TWOCENT lIPS lion SAMPLE BOX BOOKLET AND Jirfl FREE Eureka Chemical Manu i Man-u luring Compeny La troBse W > I j h r 1 1 T THE BE 11I1 P > o tbaS rI 1tto U rtI < vi r 1 be I < you cjj iQt tiJo bet ItlIn 1 lost Popular > r Rr1pI rto1ttbat alt b y f u reliable tninu taotttcrn t t 1 have grnlnea a replltttloJ by hte t and quaro deallolf you will then get 1 Sewing llacliinn that It r ntod tho world overvvur Its durn bulb Yon v int the one that Is easiest to cwiiage and In I Light Running J1t T1er la none In tno world thl I 4 y e cia1 In tie i hanloal r F I v i durability worll tLwylA iv t renc of ffnlnh b y Ai7i I Pr1IKfI or bas AS r rtft1 L ivemtnta ua tlio NEW IIoME Jt has Autcmil Tension Doublo Ped n1Je on b ilh HI Vo of needle > < zry 0nooth < T m 111m it i Now ttan U > a iirtidnvlnir wheel lilnH rnoKti > bo centers tlma reducing ricttont 0 t ao mounurj fe WET FOR CiRCULARQ THE HEW HOME SEWIMG1IAGHIHE CJ CHuran lus Bonroir UAH 51ThqoXOqrAux14 Ciuaiao lu 8r I < orulo 1T U11jLLtajto tiu ATLUIrA Ui rdn DALE DV TA1LOH HlOi PIOV < I City BANK STATEMENT ENTI DANK OK SPANISH FORK Spnn11i Fork Utah Report to ho Dtnk Examiner of thy condition the Bank of Sint Ixh ForkI cluhG of bunliiBPS Juno 201805 I itcsounoES I Loss and Discounts 314 Furniture nnd Futures 17Z14 Hxpcnses 81i Caah In National Banks 10211ff3 Cash on hand Irj a111 1 LIAUIL1T1ES Capital r ooo Undivided Profits 3Ctl1 Orttllrutes of Deposits Demand Deposits 1301 to111 t I Oco O Gilbert cashier ot the Bank flf Spnnisli Fork do solemnly swear that the aboVS statement U true to the best of my knowlf and belief Ouo O OiilirnT Ccshler i Substi Ibednnd sworn to before me thlt lltb diyof July 1803 f I k 1 SAMUEl COHN IBY 1 SEAT V Notary IulilIC My Commission eiplros April 10 1867 THE Stan tod Gauge rlAILWAYI THROUGH THE J ROCKY 1 < MOUNTAINS r i to Cholco of Throe Distinct Routes AXD TUX MOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD SCENERY XN TKB WORD I Two Fast Express Trains Daily EiCTI WIT DOIWH3 OGDEN SAlT LAKE AND DENVER ELEGANT RECLHllfiG CHAIR OARS 33f o ot Oluura p Dlrtet Ctnnectloni tnude In UnIt 0 pcjf II OS MOST VHOaOFOOI EQUUT S uirVlt IN TW > D O DDG B WELD J It cut Sft tint crr I I k J 11 > L r I = < f l a 1 1i 1 f ri i F 3t tfW lu liI II S rli Ch I > U t igrnr Et U i ji4 a t IIfZ lr t jk 70 ir UI Ji T ai f t ffit 1o df5tir t t > r la I AmttlM irHn > CjJf ag CN J Vt t k i In fc 14 f y rc Istuiwrtoi iioiyib ifr iI t I r ySgf lfS JJj J J a I Vo ny vn wlCjO < to10 to ordftr for W jt r n j fVK > i f 6 lw cu T 0 tJ < rf < f ur 1 rI Ieo We i lV < J Ay I I f I WHCLEdASH PJJiCkiCS No 1TJ Road r7jfon i Wri n gMos3 Cu1t1Ir Hll 1 T V VO sa 11 ttt It < 1 Rlled A f n IJ11 Hi > IOJlt frwtvtt COO f rC i FM t 1 i S t l rllootonli TcpBugal slow S > w V S li j w l tll tOt > f IAr i j k f la f a GafllvI < r > Mbmatf = nVaRSif l v > v P II IrKn beivl < i1 u uneii au t i > l t > Lt 1a psi r z 11 w1arpatATri Q = re ar kh3t 1 find = GREAT < VALUE WEEKLY EWS FOR OF THE WOliLD LITTLE MONEY FOR A TRIFLE The N Y WEEKLY TRIBUNE It twKntypp e journal la the loading Ilspublleiiu family paper of tin TJiiltcd Satc U la H VT1ONAL FAMILY PAPKlt and Eivpssll the tlIHnl new of tllll Unlttd States It mlvos the events of foreign lands in a nuUicll Its 4GtICIILIU tAb rttPHltlnit baa no BiiporiT in tim country IB MAHKKr > DiJii nKr 0lSD2rt futliorlty Snpprfttfl dep rtui nt8 for THE FAMILY riRCLK II OUR YOUNfI FOLKS and SCIECI AND vliccuiMcs its JIiup AND SOCIETY fliimiw coraituttKl tho ridmiration of wlv s mill dan btow Itfl wiml IHIUaUvll tJollkal n6vs edltoiials and dlsoussiona are eoinproheujint brilllunt imtl ex k SPECIAL CONTRACT enables uu to oKor this iplendld journal and THE IEUALD for One year for only 225 A Cash In Advance The rf tJnr subscription for the > two piers If 53CO SUnSCRlJlQ Xj MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIE Address nil orders to THE HERALD Spanish Fork Utah Writo yom narmnad allr sj on apoatal pan tend II i tn Go W DCS Romn 2 Tribune Buildiug NpV Yirl City and smiple copy of THE Ni > w Yonn WHIIY Tnmun will bn t uml 0 von = = = M 4 r If OCiisik J53n 1 k ps i o t Po 1 ± l r J L nr 1 i I q h w A I 1 r L F t til I 1IASL I l V tI b tf c t rm trbOt n rls 11 R ir 1 f i fn R0 t r AF AhP 1 v 1t i If IJ t1 1 Ii r li 1 L 1 n tI t1J 40 JI < I LI j m 1i W U iA411 l I R iEt AI j I packg l < cJ 11 I > If 1 < i Sr 1 1 of J Vl vJ i I o1 Cosl3 no more than infeilcr pickrgo xi It I IV A i I h IIeeI spoils ih flour keeps soH c d i ui f J 1 I f V J Jt tC1sJly dj WlcfJd w st m 1b VXJr JrI 1 v vt w of m aad only by CWr1 t co re 1ori 4B c rAJ tY C m tnywfatt t 0 t 0r I73 lor Am end flazrer flc of arl1 llml 5 ar ia Gt i 1J wJtBiJD li z S 9 THE i Denver Rio Grande Railway Scenic Line of the World Tht l only lino ruuutna two tlroTlh Trains tinlly lo LIUDV1L1K ASPEN PUBJ2LO COLORADO SPRINGS Iud flmnlt i Trhln Wo 2 havin Ogd u 70 < > 1 in Lik 8C5 fra h The Pit I ililfa in CiiloiRlu BpsIn B 751 a m U iy i lOtftU in Trn Nc 4 oJ lf YB3 Ogifn 0 J 35 i n i 1 Urtfei 74 > p m arrM iu ritl l i27 p u > O IOTIUU 8jrhij < ll i i > 111 Divv U25 p in 1 niiixiuiH 1 m 11 iitPuclli Puliuil riiRdu < 1 lIyer liiih an IIf1M ei 11 1 nt IJI I Ctaelt CtJT e I I uu Sc > Ifol on all trn1 rLI II i JJ I K 6 i uf OMI i Ivmf itbc tn ml ujoy tUi lineaL icewtij 011 tf PD > HIlIt I J01CIPlttt iwo to Crlprlc Cisfk Coo lilt GfunUul Ouii C iU11 8 HlltiHE S tC WOrm Tdad1G 61Kr OP T A DcJIr fvlersl i 1 lfMCVIN3liMnuJ I A lit I kit Lb f Cu > IJtalJ I A 1 CUBIIINGT P A 81 tt Llklt el Ut u 11IrlJ 1r41 l Intdr hon piII1 hpU l In J m rU > tiVrUl ihfnp priuis < ol MID M-ID < tl ta idliion of VWhatru Diction s5l J Tin1 iwlti l are djlvn taririif uunt WftiHirrs IIi Irl Inert Vh iJrrat I YtVbuiV I UlMouery Wtbittl j Hi DiHoitrrj WvbfltorS 15aOclop ito Uictionnry i to no Many iiuwuiciiiiUc < > tbom re iu5esIif The VTlwtwr uurlm lrllnn of each IrJin A to Z la Hie annie rtylii yeArn kwohlud Ut tmltl 11111 prluiuil from tiHte mart tiypli J rti 1 Utf t0 Olt 1 II < p il tf i hdl i issafi1 P it by iu 05 53i II > i ilol frail v > trioon > iin > f > tut ifi > 01 i Uiw saws thai WI s 1I trtl Pflt Pon I prphll ttd Ji 1 > tifuil at lie incoming cf tUlrc1 fte VT < U t < ii currant from i vni 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Tlio MyraolojrlM complete and cclentlncond I tbe nlffprrat raninlriMn onl hu eequtrc are ciren In th order of tanlr growth froa tba root Idea I i It I 3 easy to learn what a word means Thedennltlonjat clrs lIc1tond full tint ittcomDrflfiKlvo lac Ollillon II cintataej ubeepuata paragraph J 1i C 1 C ItEKRIASI CO Publishers Springfield iluss USA or Bpednua rages rtc lent on application D1 Do not buy cheap reprint or ancient edltlom WXXXXHXHHXXKXXJOOC < 3i i E COCFIUAX itttorney at Jaw 3IANTI UTAH Jill it M STULL Kttorney at Law two dora south f Kofkblll Hotel SPANISH FOEIC I i UTAH Brinfi yn job work TO THEHERALD OFFICE |