Show 9 r S HAND WRESTLING A Skillful Exorcioo That Is Not at All Datigoroua The port and Its Kulefl Explained la Detail Tiro Picture Illustrutlug Some of the 1oiltloui to Uo Aruumcil With those prrKcmB who do not cano can-o try tho moro intricate forms of wrestling ling hamUvroBtllng has always been a favorite It affords bays tho New Yorli bun an excellent opportunity foi healthy exercise and is not dangerous The first cut shows the position to betaken be-taken by the wrestlers preparatory tc XUUBEK ONE the start off At the word OIgO each man endeavors to force his opponent to lose his balance so as to be obliged to move one of his feet This constitutes a throw A good throw if quickly done Js to push your opponent hand against his Bide and then piwh hard and quick and nmlco him lift or 1Ile his forward foot To do this well it is necessary to stoop a little Another way is to turn about quickly towaul your left side if iuiln your right raise your opponents hand no that it is over your right shoulder then lean forward and pull hard This can be used by n short man better than by one of larger size The second cut shows a very ordinary throw Tim opponents arm is faced backward and drawn out to the side directly di-rectly away from him BO as to make him loso his balance Still another throw can bo nuidu by pulling backward back-ward and to one bide so that your hand comes directly in front of the body then push it away outwardly The best position to take is tho one shown in the li t cut file forward foot is placed against that of y vur antagonist an-tagonist und the rear foot about thirty inches removed from and at right angles an-gles to the forward foot Both knees bhonld bo bent The rules of hand wrestling are ae follows The man moving his foot or touching hh hand or any part of his body to the floor ro1 an to got IL better I base is thrown Turning on ono toe BO as to reach further is allowed Mov NUMBCII TWO Ing either foot sideways or allowing either to drag is a throw In nil case the throw must be made with the hand Pushing with head elbow shoulder OJ side is strictly forbidden The beauty of the sport is that it requires no eon vcnicnces It can be enjoyed with I1n ordinary street dress on and a mat If not required |