Show I MET WITHOUT THE PRESIDENT SECRETARY OLNEY CALLS THE CABINET TOGETHER Declined to State What Subject Was Under Discussion but There Was nn Air of Gravity Washington D Coo July 19For tho first time In many years there was a midsummer Cabinet meeting In Washington Wash-ington this afternoon In the absence of the President Secretary of State Olney apparently caJ s to Washington Washing-ton from IJalmouthfJI the express purpose forhTPnTrTVea Bls noon and will leave the city tomo J v nornlng Secretary Olney calle at the War Department soon after his arrival at the State Department to talk with Secretary Sec-retary Lamont The latter was absent at the time and he failed to attend the Cabinet meeting which was held later although an eltort was made to summon sum-mon him by telephone Secretary Herbert Her-bert next received a visit from the Secretary Sec-retary of State and about 4 oclock the pair walked over to the State Department Depart-ment and were closeted In the oillce of Secretary Olney Here they were Joined li the course of half an hour by Secretary Sec-retary Carlisle and AttorneyGeneral Harmon who had been called by telephone tele-phone Into the conference This lasted for fully two hours and from time to time Assistant Secretary Adee who has been acting as Secretary of State during dur-ing the absence of Secretary Olney was called Into the room to advise the Cabinet as to some point under discussion discus-sion Whatever was the subject considered could not be learned and apparently It was resolved to keep the proceedings secret for each of the persons present as they emerged from the oillce declined de-clined courteously but positively to answer an-swer a single question touching their deliberations All that could be gathered gath-ered was to the effect that nothing had happened at Gray Gables to give rise to any apprehension Still there was an air of gravity In the demeanor of the Cabinet olllcers as they emerged from the conference that would indicate l Indi-cate that some weighty and Important questions had been under discussion The Impression Is very strong tonight to-night that the Cabinet meeting was for the purpose of discussing the neutrality neutral-ity features of the Cuban question and It Is believed that some public statement state-ment will be made In regard thereto In a few days |