Show NEGROES TERRORIZED FLORIDA CHURCHES INVADED BY ARMED WHITES Services Broken Up and the Congregation Congre-gation Dispersed Negroes Abandon Aban-don Their Property and Leave Live Oak Fla July 22Rev D W Gllllslee reports I reign of terror among the negroes of Lafayette and Taylor counties He says their churches are being raided by white men congregations con-gregations dispersed and pastors driven driv-en away Rev Gllllslee Is presiding elder of Live Oak district of the Florida conference con-ference of the A M 13 church The counties mentioned are In this district and ho recently returned from an attempt at-tempt to Jill his appointments AccordIng Accord-Ing to his story he was roughly treated treat-ed He says he was caching In Lafayette La-fayette county to a Inrirt congregation when a crowd of armed while men came Into the church and stationed themselves near the pulpit The leaders asked Gllllslee How long do you expect to remain In this county and live Then the whites began to shoot and Gllllsleo and the congregation ran out In a panic Gllltslee went to Bramford ten miles distant In Suwanee county He made the trip in an hour He next went to Taylor county which adjoins Lafayette Lafay-ette on the west but was again driven out While preaching at night he says that about twenty white mel came in and stationed themselves about the pulpit Gllllslee was greatly frightened fright-ened but kept on preaching Finally tho mob shot out the lights Gllllslee and the negroes ran out many being trampled upon The mobs so far appeal ap-peal to have shot no one their object seeming to be to create terror Gllllslee says tho negroes are frightened I fright-ened nearly to death and are leaving rapidly many deserting their property The preacher seems unnerved by his experience and will never go to Lafayette La-fayette or Taylor again His headquarters head-quarters are In Jacksonville and he has a good reputation Lafayette and Taylor arc counties where BO many negroes have been lynched for outraging white women In Lafayette there have been over n dozen lynchlngs In the last few months and tho reported assaults on women have greatly embittered the whites against the negroes |