Show OF INTEREST TO LADIUS We ofOr no xpnliurr In placing bo fore you The Ladisa Sifo Protector w III HubDlulc rillabl easily icljustpclj does not become mirIpI iced untl in I smni T > ro cctlon Cim i lie worn whc desired without obsprtdUnn or JnllV 1 IccJoc of ainthcr and provcntd died j UI ah 1 umiuvjnuc under cerium con cllt1on ft you u f it uncsryou vl I1 netcr be without It I It i a flltlitu I saft iiiul relbu I 1 fri end whiiiovo needed by bpecbl clt UOfJ quiring its use It Is an article over woman sboud keen read for Imij mediate use It Isnimulc to lirte siiil In < ilic8 con denro to the woman usi In it It It reliable and so entlflr iliad instiroi protectIon with m1 III juiy to hsnlth u1 any u wl pin lelu wciiUl say Wo tire of I Iii opinio hat I no iirtldf Ins ever I cpu 1Oo1Ir whlh will five nK much sutisrn t i tn 10 the woman of to day is The Ladies Srffs Protsitor TIO Immense l > pol to till urllcl i4 1 a atibi antla Indurxo m mi f of our claim Do nut tlipipfon i exiyrimiiii wit h nnr of tlu nurarr UII uiirel ° l > lu urtusIcA as It Is joih dangerous dan-gerous to huaitb tuul oiprimv to 0 o StIll expiMiniPtitli a can omy lti i stilt 111 iOSH of tiuiP dtHRppiuutUMU anil di mal nhiur Lndlu < iinuicl r member till before jrdtrI rig oilier gUild fl Iud not wuite their tirm < and money on inferior ar 111001 thf heat fnnlwu ttio I clio 115t Tho Ladies Safo Protector is iujld under u nisltivi tinaran eo tor use for onrt jen wi ill full directions irid In i sent senltd in plain wrapper upon riiclptof iXpres niuney ordfr foi20 Hires t for 500 DII not wait but onlur at onuo Add re s TimLv CitossE RIEOIAL Co Li Cross WH |