Show SILVER MEN IN CONTROL Majority of Mississippi Democrats for the White Metal Jackson Miss July 23R I Henry editor of the Clarion Ledger said today to-day As u result of the primaries held so far It Is evident that exSena tor McLaurln will be nominated for Governor McLaurln Is a pronounced advocate of the free coinage of silver jind Is opposed by Hon II II McCabe an ailyncatc of the single standard There alI ItVP pandldatesi for Unttec States Henatnr Viz Governor J 11 Stone exOoviliior Robert Lowry and Congressmen Money Hooker and Allen Of these Governor Stone Is a gold man and the remaining four are all strong silver men Nenily ni every candidate so far nominated I for the Legislature Is a freesilver man and almost every nominee from Constable up Is for the white metal I Is therefore there-fore plain tliaf whoever Is elected to the Senate ho will lie a silver advocate advo-cate There will be no contest in the Democratic Btato convention which assemble here In 1 August Silver men strong have abwilutw resolutions control and will adopt |