Show f VTIL JE8SONS I LLLIAM Jb AHf1111 EAIKns Lumber Lath Doors sash etc IVianufacturfcra of the Best Broom on the Market All l kinds of Produce handled in its Season n Deseret Gold Mine I Milling Co OF BPNZsII FORE = INCORPORATED UNDER TUB LAWS or UTAH j Uapital Stock 500000 With 500000 Shares are offering for sale 100000 Shares off t of-f JYJTJSJJq3 STOGE OF the said Company at 86 CENTS PER SHARE PAR VALUE 100 h This Property is Located and Situated in the GOLJD MOVNT 8IN J MINING DISTRICT I iii Conn Uur Tlu IP Isn i Mountain of Free Milling Gold Ore Water and Timber in Atmudiuo 1t says TSverage 2500 Per Ton UIKKCTOKS 1IrighulI D1nrgcr Tree John ChrUtinnjon V Pro and Tros 1 J Slcttait Richfield Utah 1011 Parks Nophi Utah Henry Hocely Secretary For riiitlcnlnrn Addrcts DBSBRET JSHLB MINE MILLIHE EH P O 71 Spanish Fork Utah BANK OF SPANISH FORK Capital 25000 DIRECTORS GE01 U SNELl Pros JOHN JONES V Pros QUO 0 GILBERT Oasher JOHN UOCKHILL JOHN S THOMAS A A DAHLH Interest allowed on time deposits Drafts iituod payable in any part of the WarA Your Busine3s Solicited SPANISH FORK I fAH 1 jf bii jt s cssaax xv ITS INJURIOUS TO STOP BUDDEKLT and dont be Imposed upon I A to up-on by buying a remedy that requires you to do so as It 1 II y r T nothing more than a substitute In thosurtd stoppage ot I DON T I 4 tobacco you meet hare some stimulant and In mostoll oases I tbceffcct of the stimulant bo It opium morphine or other I p opiates leaves a far worse habit contracted Ask your drug 1st about Dacca Curolt IH urel vet You do nothave gist purely vegetable I STOP to stop using tobacco with BACOCB20 It will notify you when to stop and your desire for tobacco will cease Your custom i will be as free from nlctlne as the day before d 1 w yon took your first chew or smoke An Ironclad j written guarantee absolutely euro tho tobacco Ill E p1 habit in all Its forms or money refunded Prl 8 I I J BA 0 0 0 I 81 per box or 8 boics 80 days treatment and H I J I guaranteed cure J260 For sale by all drugaits or will bo sent by mail upon read l of prlo tldalr r ffI 4 + s H F 4 DE1TB SIX 170 CZHT DTAMPfl fOS BAHTLS COO Uoolu Jot and proofs free Eureka Chemical ds Mfg Co La Crosse Vflt Office of THE PIONEER PRESS COMPANY C W HORNICK Supt St Pan Minn Sept 7 1804 f Eureka Chemical and Mtg Co La Crosse Wis Deir Sirs I have been a tobacco fiend for many years and during the past two > ears have smoked fifteen to twenty cigars regularly every day My whole nervous system became affected until my physician told me I must glue up the use of tobacco for the time being at least I tried the so called Koely Cure XoTaBao and various other remedies but without success until I accidentally ac-cidentally learned of sour nacoCnro Three weeks ago today I commended using your preparation and today I consider myself completely cured I am m perfect health and tho horrible craving for tobacco which every Inveterate smoker folly appreciates has complotly left me consider your BaoCaro Ilrn1lv WnntlprlIlnnl ceo fnllv rppnmmcrd it Yonra very truly 0 W Qnrnick i SANTA FE ROUTE Rio GRANDE WESTERN COLORADO MIDLAND I ATCHISOX TOPEKA aC SANTA FE RAILWAYS Tlio only i lino rut tin Iallnxn Sloopln and balwooa Oifilon < Salt Luke City and Chicago wlthoutChangr allll Pullmar Palace Reclining Chair Cars between Ogden Salt nlis CItj Denver and Chicago Q TIIIC SHOPr LINK SUPKK3 SCENERY EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED Are Yon Going East S It no uo sure and secure tickets rcadlnu over tnj SANTA ITE 11017TE Grandest and Qroitest Railroad on Earth I I tSTLeave Olon or Salt Lake un the fJvenln train in order to sec the most iKMiiilful tiuuntry la Ainonca Train leives Ida Or into iVostori Depot Spanish Fork at 3i p m Tlnltnt OIIco No 1C J W Sooond South Street ZEaiCL aURtrETrL 4W Ihxilj Hufiainj General Agent Passenger Department SALT LAKE CITY UTAH String That Never Breaks CANT UP llOUmiT Hut that hlcli bcuk the least 110 tare for idle Art for Sisal BINDING TWINE PIYll10Ut SIIiF OF UIiVT lIRUIV uudjalco no other in r IfnG I i cc 4 ccWfJ 3 n H WfJ III = S SH f 0 L < 1 n Ci r of 1 i y K t Yty I i Ir z l S i CD y s 10 O e U < U 1 rr 5 t = ° c P < r 5 S5 itt e III 5 a o j = x < O 4Qo 1 co Sflo o IV V 4rt PT ti is IIJ a K TubuUr Heel l CMIOIIO Mowers and nuke from tho manufactory of W A Wood am ones celled no emu aUo ul the line ti rcprnsont In Utah and Idaho 1 Amongst whIch nn found lIall Vnuons Deere nnd OUur lone UunuirilirishliiB Miiohlnun Tiger llakei and Hay London ulumbln Iliiduiy uud 1onlur Ulojcltii Addrust COOPERATIVE TAU ON MACHINE CO Ogden and Logan Utah Idiho Voile mid Moutpeller Idaho General 00 has Salt Koko City GEO T ODEbL General Manager 4 FRAGRANT VANITY FAIR ciGARETTE3 RAGAWt r jOE BU TilE FINEST VIP INIAU TVRKISH ToBACCQ 6 THE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN EMPLOYED w MAKING THESE CIGARETTES e WS KIMBALL C9 Tffe American Tobacco b Successor f 1bl J i1 I t li cr l CAVEATSTRADE MARkS > < COPYRIGHTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENTf Fork aptnio 0write td Aromnt aniwtr and an honest opinion write to iiN < kCO v hohHTOtiadneulTBhrToui < experience th tent bustncta Oomramto Uotuitrtctlrco ntlM A IlKnilb UotIn formation conic iz Lntcno and bow to oi tln thorn lent fr Algoa cstaloxBoof meohto 1eI1lD < iclentlno c IOU > lent free Patrati taken through boon ft Co 1e dYO epedtl notice In tho cjglnntino Auerlcan tod thai aro brought wider baton the tmtjllo wrtl out ooit to the inventor Thu ipleamd MTOA lined < eekij eleRwtlr Illnttrated ha br fur tha larirrit mrculatlou oJa aar teinrtlda work la the wand s3 year 6 mnly sort < > 1 lent tree Dulldl lrg YdluO monthly tJ la a yeN IImJlfJ roptee9 cents ivctynumber contdna been Will plat In < olora Fh f now OU30S win plir9 enabling bull JOTS to tbotr tfca 1a µ jt ilrnlfTn wrl eeeuro coctrarts Artdrcs1 MUNN bt cu 1 aw raaxWl UHOADWATS IB ZEE ERO7TNS Hack Line Meets Maplotoa and City Trains SPANISH FORK UT1H FOR MONUMENTS Go toM to-M Mickelson Prop mo CHEHR TO MONEY IOKNED ON lUFKOTBD FARMS AT REASONABLE RATES EPANISU FORE UTAH SUITS a TH T JI1 Itir SUIT I Made by byWlJ AD WlJ JOHNSON l1 W DWAIll WOODS EDWARD 1HACKILINE Meets all trains i ULIVE ORDERS AT T1IE 10IIOK DOUSE Veterinary Surgeon ALL ANUULS LVTT IN ur cms WILL DE PKOFBKLT ATTENDED TOEd TO-Ed 31d Woods Manager I i MUELC01C ABY S Notary Public MONEY LO NDED ON Improved Farms AOHNT LONDON FIBB INtUUiNCE LOYPuU omec at residence ono DV east of Coop Spnalah Fork Utah DONT I LIMP tin jou te to walk straight Vu Ink ilaitvr of 1atis cast of feet to Insure comfort Specialists In crippled a and Deformed Slice steel f bracei and arllflclal limbs of eery descdpttahclal every description HILGFRTDcFORMITY SliO CO L 03 third South St A05 Salt Luke City Utah Professor Otto Lugger the State Entomologist Ento-mologist of Minnesota says that In Chicago Chi-cago county In that State there are 400 grasshopper killing mactiIioB locally known aa hopper dozers at work and they are killing 8000 bushels of Grasshoppers Grasshop-pers a day I |