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Show !Tm gnR ATm. publishing Editors and PublishtTi.' HMD n WRESTLING. r ". co. A Skillful Exsrciso That All Dangeroua Is Not at . i Vi : . ..i r ..I -- , v v C. DIEHL, Manager. ahsd sveiy Friday Moraine Fork, Utah. tl Spanish aii Ite Kale Explained la Detail Twa Picture. IUuatrmllug Some of the Foeitlono to the Sport t Jf r f r- NATURES ANTICS. ;f'.O f I.'A 1- Reraarkabla Phenomena in Southern California . . w. i CnbtkoBibl Pimure In the Earth ated by Internal ('re,v.t:4uni A Very Iy iterloiu to ft 1 S. vj:!i nrr t ic wur'.d b..'f . Y- - a With those persons who do not can to try the more intricate forme of wrest ling hand wrestling has always been a favorite. It affords, says the New York foi bun, an excellent opportunity healthy exercise and is not dangerous. The first cut showa the position to he taken by the wrestlers preparatory tc that ti'.'.cd A few its dnro ttie cne Oct and is 1. -- r- . w I" IV i. V 1 . months ago a rnv.dl San Diego r . ' '1 'W:- - J V.iwv d1 k V'stt.tlitd Cre- IteRloa. u v ,A t'. n gvt a v yi:.'i.P.t3':iK;:.Ar i j l uik i;, Be Assumed. ; .4 tb.st a: i V,. i ... y Auttvivs I", t 1 u i,.cJ fr .5.1 is L sr o -.of 73. CvaTt! - .Yn..- -v, 8 . .1. -- rt'l prrty of that e r V. '"1 m .i. ,t ?'.;!- I53T t: r-- ff- -:i SJJ, fit. t-- P- N f J? ;VbJ'iIi f' prospectors lejt M ..i in , known country lying lir.ow the 7 . v?-- t !!cii'n Ijoundary, if the V,.. 4 Cal tisdi river. Th'ei reou i) sppovl te i3 Li L- - fall of valuable ir.Hrrr:l A to s "' r (loponits vT i, :v. i. in rono i . 3 Grande Western R-- R. wortd h thrl and F'm- - 'iic thg , Cscrctsry, El&isrt, irsfJ- natural ii:'jnon'.e--ac ;. d .V. riff, iiucicul c.t I1:: vrecks 1 of a on what "rli and r. Buffet .1 Pullman Bleepers i vf Ill,? spont cauplo i, l uI Lninh, b.vj:y 13 liTii.wn as Lite Cara on all Through Train. 7 -- h8 p'--;. V t " S'jita Yrbol rnch, n, or m tuau . ii 5r!,lv.reot of the Coeop:ih "'no Table No. M, In effect March U, 1886. .,u L .,..ffveiavntUi " WEEKLY NEWS , Wh'U there they luortl GREAT VALUE VWi7.otjir.s. Station East Bound t Bound .j frciU'.-utlthat Mliod dvraig Ecvnul flays a I-Io-mb, Tih Pau S. E. D FOR P OF THE WORLD heavy rcinhlig Ivvl been h3:irl Lithe Salt Lake 8:66 am 8:9 pm SrfaOpm of ; d'roi.'.tu.n OouialA th DoaM IYoaceuing Tt 1ik Aftc.B'.via hnv Tension, Pe;d, :80 pm B:85am 1:86 pm Frero of on liulh ( ( tatenicd no oinrr tas to L:uj Juut;:3, little set tin rent made LITTLE MONEY. 'am 6:Mpm Sprlnevllle ft:2S am 8:40 pm FOR A TRIFLE, it ; Now Lti:i iifr.fsntea), dnvin 15 wheel biutd :am 8:42 pm SpanlshFork 8: 17 am 8:9 urn up of a fjtv iaclitus cr.;l a white man or s1'. lav r.b1. contsrs, thus redacing frictics to ra ' am 8:Mpm 8;0f am t:88pm Payion tlio iiciuiaci. i two, th.y ETient several days there in tm 8:08 pm Eureka 6:48 am 1:00 pm am 8:80 pm Mammoth 6:88 am 18:48 pm FOCI prospectliig. VJRtTS CIRCULAKQ. am 8:80pm Silver City 6; 18 am 18:80 pm litre they were told Ly a man named THE HE? EG 11 SEWiHG HiCKHS CO. E.Uiott that from a high hill ha had asm Gan. Pais. ana Ticket Agent, Widliiou, Dodox, Gen. Mgr. M rvuw Boffin, X. Y .hut seemed to be a cloud over the 0om Hus Bomon.lkM. ti;er.;j-pr- e i . Babcock, Traffic Mgr., Bilt Lake City. journal, Li the leading IUpablleRit family paper of tin , OCOiffn, lu. Mr. Lor u, Mo. aiiu,luhi. E. B. Huar, Agent, Spanish Fork. I Cosf.pah mountains, and had al:o heard 1 .it-,- , S'utfcs. U Sam Fiuxruoo, Cai AiuiiA,lii. ,s k NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gin-ssl- l V e on. at and had FOR SALE BY n'.ght tiisgensral new heavy rumblings, 0! 'tin- - United Sitiss. Ii gvi--g the events of foreign lands in a nuUheil. TAILOR IttiOr. PioruCl-.y- , leou a dull light arjiarently on the very its 1 he Union Pacific U UiL" a,,PCT W't 13 no snporif r In the country. top of the mountain. lie believed it to "ilARKAT System Its d be a volcano. Indiana had also brought ..hlOhlb ,.r- (C'lffNiz-Rutliorliy. Sp-rat- e (kusrtuionis for Tbe Family XCMBEB 051. THE THROUGH CAB LIMB. OcbYopmk Fotxa" and Science avd Akchaxics." BANK STATEMENT- Its limit and reports that unusual disturbances had incut. tOCIETI riliiinn rommaad the adnursiion o' wir.a end dsugbtcr Its vDnertl been observed in the C'ocopah region, T. the start off. At the word go" each i :il Time Cabd In affeet Jobs 23, 1893 mm 116 tvs, editorials dlrcuseions sud are coinprahousive, brilliant and cx- jio.vii-ttand they were greatly frightened. endeavors to force his opponent to BASK OF SPANISH FORK, They recrossed the line into the lose his balance so as to he obliged to United States, and at Indian Wells, on 8p&iiUh Fork, Utah. move one of his feet. This constitutes the Colorado dpo-i-- t, not only heard more T enablei ns to offer this splendid Journal and "THE a throw. B to the nk Examiucrof (he Rupert about the ru&ihUags and nnoke, but for HERALD"foCIAI to A good throw, if quickly done, is a-- : 1 Fuik ai the flrr.t time stw the smoke themselves, ecnlitluB rf the push your opponent's hand against his elwis of s:: r.svl to ivjL 29. 1895. a cloud-lik-e tusimrs Jan and liard and qnirk ride, and then push Provo ear: in Tlie 8:10pm almost ol his forward foot 'kj pu.y came RESOURCES 3:88pm make him lift or rllde paiUh Fork westward, ar I nn the night vhen the AH 3:80pm To do this well it is necessary to stoop Payaon 831 ,45'. 51 sad Discount 1:80pm a little. Another Nepht 4B earthquake shock a as f .lt in Sun Diego way is to turn about Lmu HUH 1:18pm Fixture and Furniture 1,7.I4 were campc 1 on nn cijralxu .icma 3,000 Juab Advance. 1 :00pm if using quickly toward your left side, e 8719 Expense feet above the cea level. 9:88am Oaaia pm hand raise opponents your 6:08am your right 10,21X9 Caidi In National Bulk (The regular 6DbrrrIptlcn for the two payers is j3.CC.) ipn That nigM they not Only felt tbs se6:48um so that it is over your right shoulder, Cash on hand :pm 1, SCO. 17 verest earthquake biiock, but pr.lnly 4:iam then lean forward and pull hard. This Frlaro pm SUBSCRIPTION.! MAY B33IN AT ANY TIE. ' ' 44,171.06 saw a great light shoot upward in the ulna aouth of Juab run dally except S unday can be used by a short man better than was over what believed heavens LIABILITIES directly to Cltlcago one of larger size. rough Pullman Palace to be the main Coccpah mountain. The Address all orders to ' iiout change. Improved Tour at Slwpera. byThe second nf'.OCO.OO cut shows a very ordinary Cspits! e reclining chair car. Elegant day coachea. or , less m only Hr operating Dining car acrvti . XOKL10 light continued with greater throw. The opponent's arm is faced Undivided Profits T1IE HERALD, i iia aaoRTxaT while the into the late nans to night, brilliancy iasx aid all side out 6,013.85 di to the drawn of backward CortlUcatea and Deposits .IT KABT. incessant almost and the 18,(Ka.7(. rambling was from him, so as to make Demand Deposit . E. BURLEY, Gen, Agent Fa Monger D ept, rectly away tremors frequent. Still another y Ticket Office, 101 Main Si., Salt Lake CHy. him los9 his balance. S48.I71.0S Tbe ncut morning a murky cloud of Write yen: ip.measd al.r si on a postal rani, send ii to Gj., W. Beri ' W. I. LAWSON, Agent, throw can le made by pulling back Spanleh Fork. of the Bnuk c( the color made by burning sulphur R'l.itn 2. Tribune O. Goo. cssliltr S. H. H. Clark. Gilbert, I, hand so one side, to that ward and Building, NvY rl: City, an.! snmfle your py of The New York &Vw. Oltv is W. Mink, hung like a vast ulhbrella low on the 'VtiKLT Tmr.rxE tl:i bo maU comes directly In front of the body; Spanish Fork, do solemnly swear that the E. Ellxht Ahdkuson, yon. statement li true to the beat of my knowledge horizon all day and there wore frequentJohn W. Doans, then push it away outwardly. nd belief. Geo. O. Gilbert, Cashier. Fridbick H. Uokdeht, ly recittring shocks of earthqua Ire. The one is ion the to take The best pot.it Heuelvers remained in c amp that ni;;ht and -party 11th me Ihir to sworn bofar: cut. forward Subscribed nd The shown in the fis. L. LOMAX. Gen. Pane, end Ticket Arrnt, saw the ..;v light In the same p'a-e- but DICKINSON, Gen. Mgr , Omaha, Nebraska foot is iaced against that of yur an- day of July, 1(65. A...... who murh fainter. has Xicklc, 1 George ( ff Saui'sl Coin tBv, tagonist end the rear foot about thirty (Seal) Pui'ic. N"iu'y a ranch cn the slop.; of the :r inches removed from and at right an- ( A ) My CommiMlon expire April It), 1057. mountains, said that cn the night of the Local gles to the forward foot. Both knees great shake he saw an illumination of should lie bent n.L..'r?3; the heavens directly over the C'ocopah TO LADIES. OF INTEREST as are hand of The rules wrestling irbeij. reThe mountains. rlbefoi the Herald. light changed follows: The nun moving his foot ox We offer tm Hpo'difT In D'aclng lir -, being sometime very bright, i mber the Hbbald does all kinds touching hi- hand or any part of his fore you "The Lallsi' Sris Protector, r peatedly, dull and almost impercepsometimes s i as a to better ' Ih absilute y gut e.Mlv ((iju-te- d body to the floor, on abort notice. . The nest tible. morning he saw an e base, is thrown. Turning on one toe. 4nia not hcc-miniipl:iccd Mid ii: cloud where he lmd seen ':ce of ill kinds tad frniU taken so as to reach further, is allowed. Mow surei uro ectlon. ('nubeworr. lir" the light the night before. There ia no Ti dt Hirfcd without obserrati'.ii or kr.nv vserlptlon. Patrsnlxe your hems doubt in tho mind3 of all who saw the 3 oi-- g l.'dk'e of nn.)ttH-- r sod :.nd that help your towia. light that it was an active volcano. retail a Hiuuiyanite nnd-.-- r PERSONAL MENTION. IT you u it. nneryou wi!T a went n bicycle nil n t ibis office i e wii.lioct tt. a f--i : t: i u . It .r ' neter d will (lye yon liberal terms sod Bbothsb Joflnrn, who is voluntarily 3.1 fo and re i b a friend wl;movvr more ii'irvx: J, po ihr. : lees. Molokai . devotCcr'j life at his and I i. 57.33 needed by ept on cintuii'.st.incm re spending HS. it to the lepers in that settlement, asver spoils iLe four, cc.'t, ii iv T quirlu'! its ue. It is on ortir e everyii ing n want a saving maeblne at e in Ira P. Dutton, a native of Vermont, keen re;.d for wi.mitn Kiionid i:: tls cchnIcdci vjor'f. uvsrssX? fcrtzi uora call on the mariagiment at idle use. It IsKlninle. to use. uni who adjudicated wrr claims in the bor' Bee and receive quota lions. der states after the civil war for the inspires cnu 'deno.n to lh tvuni:iii u Rdt criy try CSUSCI & C0-- , itcuTcrtu. He began his! log it. Jt is reiiiibie and sc enii'Ji':; ly federal government. Cdd ty c?jS!rttTryv:. Now i'.LINEBY intiirca protection withuit services in Molokai under the heroic1 W isyijnr time for ..! ! FXCSl Bask of vuiutAl, k-lV7MtSgAnaafiZrxiacr V to health, a- - hoj ;;.os We hove a full line of trim- pky Damien. V gtdtbit ,! i n. . j nr-We uf it'U!il say. L. ,.ta at the lowest priec s ever offered. Gex. Ernst B. Cleave, whs has jn- d hrt no artl'b ins ever been renomir.rted fer another term as 1 Ins, Marsh. will ulve ns nincii s'tKiii- - o whi the army io tb wfiiii.in of to dav ;i "Ite Ltiitl governor of Maine,lieenteredtwcniv-lwo r:as i TRIENNIEL CONCLAVE Knight e Sifo Protcctur T e iiunieiiM- - ul-- c as a private uhen i THE worked cen.e in for old. lime end a subs snilai inJorsi; years Llii arlicio , :ar, Boston, Maae., A nguat 28 to TO, fo ctory liter the war e&Kh and tberifiir:-IXierimenblind a (hi imt nicu' of -- west first Class lit sited fore for before taking up the study of law, in witna jr of tin- - up:u,r i Eio Graads TWO. XUlIBEn to dates 17 Angrot 'atrip. Selling uure'l ll; artiolen Hill Is both din wliioh he has accumulated tt largo bslve; limit retnn ring Septembei Ing eitlier foot sideways or allowing geruus t- - health mill cavcikivm io i practice. 1 Railway. A. W. Tx!:eeix, Ur iled Bltdas minis.Suc.beKpeiliarnil.ic.ni on y reeither to drag is a throw. In all of Mine, ni ter to Tei key, it having two f U or ond throw mu.t be made wiLh tile liand. sult In iOsM the w is the chance" ( rerybody pater nn:l (li m il allure. L;id!e imuid saddles made rt isan ia OOom, School, uiFuujl Pushing with head, elbow, siionklor or thin before ordering oiliei go Scenic Lino of the Woild. jhnb'uMs th--borne indnstiy; 'so have a new side is strictly forbidden. Tht iw.it,.' Toa. Ite will prc-c:- .t to New from Caret to Cover nud no!. Wljite M.eir time and S tbe suUi-- of Turkey and t : t mlcr's qnllter, bring nil yonr material of the sport is that it requires no con- goiids Svooatoroftiu I:. heti on inferior ar. lei, h. money an ThcFaddles : witli cun be favcr'te ikirusd- - Ti or.L' Urn rm.--t it : two c iwiah f. Vaabridgei." !n Hlw:l.v Mie Ciieip 6t. "Tho L&uloi oaklng quilts and wo will qnili veniences. It dress enjoyed t if sopy-sr.d costliest ever ta,u.'s in tho street on, and a mat of the J . for 60 and 76 cent s u Sifs Protcetcr" is Sold under u Ir.tlat Studied each. acordlu? ordinary iiully U. A Gov't Print-- , not required. on use r. wi.l: United ks't.vi. They are of tiws Texas for ee lur rim ye gna of & ,1a quilting. Cell at Malcolm log Offlc, th U. B. FUZJ1LO. bKiDYlLLB, ASI.'-Nmil directions iud Is wot henled in cowboy pitforn. Supreme Court, and Lravt ice, and see our samples. of nwuty all ttie , Tet additions to be maCe to the facplain wrapper upon n- elpt of exj.res-monea of Signs. Myiteiy SPRINGS DUKYEll; uid COLORADO School ? boot. for quilting. Respectfully. Mrs. vd univcirity, Cali.' rui, fori2.tr). Hires for f.j.00 ulty i... First Pullman rorter (Jolly, chile, Do notorder WirmtT com-- 1 wait but order at once foir tho next college year will include ii More, ft lilts 7 diner. mended Djr State but I had a time las night Add re a. Tna L a Chosse SrxciALi'y vho Is to be iku p:t:na-ncuti.r.- 7 Tt'hir N'! 2 Jrvw Otf n 71Hi . ui-- . Buperlntendente ( .i.'t, Second Pullman Porter What's da of Wia. and ( Cross La Bebools, Ho., vS if the law depcrtmiut; Wil- m.i Lik h:05 srivi: 1. t'u-!- ! other Educators matteh? - 751 . uuvt li: in num-n most without FORE SALE. ( Symington, iris, ni., ;.. hi. np.iii'.iThought 1 los a shoe. Looked fo it lur. I'.oman languag ; l re'.iriek Ii .'I r Where It West, 1 fteen acres of farm lands In the high and low, don gub it np an waited 4 0:35 .n... THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY ri !" Nf. L. O. Roehrig, lecture of oriental ylulol-'iogDj'ff'i Mrs. Kerstyle I gave yon more matei L.i'.:- - 7.-i',:''-- l EC8UBI ...isb Fork new survey for cash, hay, for tbe passenger ter kick. and Vernon L. Eclhgg, usoociate a'i"rK ) j;. rial to make this dress than I ever used An did her tt is My to find th word wrgitad. - - y- - to.. i , ,. of entomology. t or merehan dlse. Enquire of J. 8. profeMor and is in skirt a tho Wor.ta before, rhel r rorrffd etrm garment wlluh! Reckon he didn't Come out ohur. V -i . ik. la the vwtj ulry. enrli see tlplwbatlnd Delnnbi a pww ' C- ...i iv. rc. : Jr., Paysor j, Utah. d attcr while, stumpin roun widone leg. hardly full enough to fit a chum. How lobe v. ulkto u M. .i.i.inkiUj eaniUtby tht eye. irlk j'l'i does this happen? - etif'. ! i i1 3; It I tuy to ascertain tho prouundatioa. Chicago News Record. Zola is dramatizing La Rote HuDressmaker (shrugging her shoul- ms' ine. .1 v i. sc:'-- . .s'T DONT STOP TOBACCO. friendly Advlco. ni ,i j1;ders) Madame invested on having ae Mas. IIuurHBT Wars a trustworthy II os tetter MeGinuLi went to a Harlem sleeves in ze height of ze fashong. tvf i) & K - Vii !. reLondon source has : Rays, It I oosy to trace tho rrowth of a word. - U. already doctor for advice. i . jir j1 c.: tb-Il.jff. Chicago Tribune. V. ) to Cara Yourself While Using It ceived thousand from pounds VlMMKBnslff.eiKpirt(mnIloimtl8r,snd : r. eighteen "What la the matter with your Uie dnPTpnt nmmliyr- - k iml tiu .ulred an ' the sale of her latest work, David cv'.u- the order oMtelrsniwiii bom taa roo lin cr I am as hungry as a wolf and work gnola T' 8 tobacoo habit grows on a man uni Grieve," , 1J I. il. rti'Clll' J like a horse but I cant sleep. ; is nemos i It to easy to learn wfcst a ward mesa. system is seriooslr sffoet--' of Tub descendant Daniel lineal last veterhad ace a better I guess you ! I wlKi TteMelthwnaiedMr.asUctt.andftdl; Um, npairl fig health, comfort and fcep inary Burgeon, said the doctor, sarcasDafoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, ntouupr. h(to. l!gdaiuenleiialaiiiea T. A. loaMiMnia innsmph. T.vttj j.c r. To quit suddenly is too seviue a tically. lives at Bishops Ktortford, and is in reG. C. MESSIAH CO., Publisher a, relief Chelmsfrom of outdoor the k to tbs system, as tobacco, to an ceipt What do I want to see him for? RAILWAYl ford union. Kama., V.8.A. SprtagBeU, terete user becomes a stiBJUlsnt am no veteran." Texas Siftings. t1 K t. ", Li i. t. When Lord Tennyson is asked to read i t&h- 9 Spedam SMiu, wen Mat en snkUesItoa. his system eantinusliy craves. Ba- A Ill:Itornc lu Daltn. nrSo sat buy ehss MpriatesrsoelHt sdutosa . he almost invariably selects the "Ode li.M.CUeRINO.T. h A. ' ;ro Is a scientific curs for the toba? lie (after the introduction)! dont on the Death of the Duke of WellingUi i.l Saif iblt, la all Its forms, carefully cen suppose you remember me. but I think He has ton, and after that Maud. ided sf tei tbs formula of an eminent we used to he ia tho same Sunday become a great novel render. ROCKY in Physician who has tued It in bis school class together. liifit ! '.w. telil ! 'i'll i.pr.1 A riuTtsti consul in China, Dr. James E. COCHRAN, I dont think so. When I waa a She ni ru t ff. . i .! . hr,' ;im."i oi at . ate who has written the find Corcan Scott, practice sines 1872, without "V. i (!'ii5' : i I :etioii in- -l little girl in Sunday school, I was at '. Mrt, purely vegetable and guaranteed graam.tr, declares that the Core an vnrifiu twki are ways in a girls class. Cholca cf Thre Distinct noutos, language in even more diJBeult than the u::nii. ,,Wfhii,,i II'. r. itof Th i ;uctly harmless. You can use all the lie But this waa when you were a MANII, U7AU. estimates its four Chinese. lie age at st WVb. wi.. l)k ''!i,y." "Ihito.lMi' ir i.cco you want, while taking Bsco- -' teacher. Truth. thousand years. Vivbsiei' Ri liff 'tir.i',1 n," Rdrlop'jit will notify you when to stop, HOST MASSinCEKT RMUMD SCE1EST L' i tlo Cunrrnlent kc . i (tv. lva a written guarantee to psrman ! dunt-bath thou, The best Mnuv au::(iuiiei is a place on the Mrs. Chessers Y?r. my daughter TUB VOH1A Je M. STULL, The W iy cure any caia with three boxes, or been spaded, and the re n lias that ground Jw-fond off .i.rt'roi f f rn'i Iri-- A to Z is tl e S'l'tit'. and the mousy with tea per cent In very stones and sifted After cut gravel . ih- - tlmos. vr,-I- ' rV Then why "sr Two Fast Eiprea Trains Dally each rain (which solidifies them) the i it. Bico. Cure Is not a substitute docs she it : : hard every morn-ing- ? f roai inHire c,sd? i dusting-place'- s should be a scientific cure, tbateurea wltbont spaded again, :l-i wo do m sixth i f Chicago liV.a Rieord. II H Hotel. o oh to keep them linn, dry and louse. KACI WAV I . u aid of will power and with no Incon. n I!-- , ou i. liy Vr.ck hr.s ild pnh!fd Tbe Lens take will of ffnw Hi rv.it. them, . advantage , SPANISH . UTAIJ. Aikits p(3di'i,te rmir l fr, m v.ki'!w,e n;RI(, OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. i?nee. It leaves the system as purr and enjoy them very inneh. "Howdy do?" cried the sidewalk f:r j it tii Sv.tti t'id! n't I free from nleotlne as the day yon the wcatlu'r-van-o on the t hnrcli steeple, -- ! v.'.. n P l!i v s' ptedJbir.t GENERAL iNF.OilMATION. f your first ehaw or smoke. Bold by "now ere you feeling tl:ir ELEGAHT BECUKISS CHAIR CARSI morningr r.d (.i:ly lu'l.d at the incoming cr druggists, with our Ironclad gnsran A chicken ranch in Bellingham bay, "Way up." replied the v.rathcr-vane- , current fwnu liii.r-- 1 . Ihr f . at $1.00 Harper's Young People. per box, three boxes, (thirty Puget sound, lias KD.000 fowls. It is i rpiiUr v 'py-- ., ,lu T.ri te .it world. ia the t: be said tbe 4 treatment J 13,60, or sent direct up largest Imt CsaasctlOM stir la llslse Bspria iUMy'a Iurrlnp l'S4 IB- vV which . ; Ia Jupni:, it is raid, there are apple Little Dot Ma.-r.neceiptof price, send six two-cizuswa I treee says th eat ia full r&i xcbT vicmssxlt Eon?r bYtasTniV bv II in inches 10 Mud four TVS height, growing "VIPS FOR SAMPU BOX, BOOKLET AND of lectrieily. TUT. ! -- whlsh bear fruit ftecly about thetize ,rPM".I NtL LlCTlOMUT. iil td Little Dick Of course. Put your ear " 'JWFRXE. Eureka Chemical ft Man-- u i of enrroats. - down on cr an you can hear the trol-e- Q. 0. E93, A.KWELSr, J.lLrrTNSTS TO. THESE ALD OFFiCE V.iVLmisnt ifi anot I er ft lutua. during Compecy, La Iroese, Wle. 6M7.A M.8V. Goojl News, . v ed at the Pcit-ofle- e Utah, ai second-clas- s Spanish itmatter. Fork, is easiest lu u::;s lit-t'- f S Light Runniiig c-- si. o - 1 tu .'i ul3 New y The N. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE . . - - . One year for only $2.25, Cash in t2s( lias Spanish Pork, Utah, r '.( , a eai-i.r- r Ic: t MlSist ca Lightning hm IP :; . it frrcirtt tr ?-- lin-mu- 3 , J:i-jit- ! ; t vr"rrrr : Websters ilnternationall Dictionary l- -i i Dslto 1 -- An-tcci- .j, i n -. , y t r- pro-fciK.r- y, '!- -7 Lii.t. 5 r-- i'if nk' , Cj;.:: ! . j,- -- '. -- -i ter StandardGange A ..THROUGH THE. FOUNTAINS! '!; ! ? Attorney at !!: Duct-Dut- n h. Law y, oiioi-inlciR in-t- Can-whir- typti-iluxrsp'- ri'. Rttorncy at Law. : t Ko-kl- II V b'-r- . iiii-i-:, - st f' a urn y. m - BriM y6ur job work |