Show NEW COLORADO ROAD Crystal River Line Will Be Completed i Com-pleted at Once Denver Colo July 22 Special to Tribune There Is now much foundation founda-tion for the belief that the Crystal River Railroad will be built and that at an early date The Colorado Fuel Iron Company Is contemplating some extensive Improvements among which Is the building of this road Tho railroad now Is but a grade extending ex-tending from Carbondale just south of Glenwood Springs to Crystal I runs through a very rich section of count abounding In high grade marble precious pre-cious metals and Iron Iron properties which the Fuel Company purchased on advantageous terms have made possible possi-ble these extensions on the part of the Railroad Company and so Henry R Wolcott announces the Crystal River Railroad proposlllon Is already being brought to the front and will receive Immpdiate attention Tne building of this road will not be of so general Importance as the building build-ing of the Cripple Creek lines but It will be of sufficient Importance to make the undertaking especially desirable Besides being a matter of attention for mining and marble people of the State It Is of much value to the great Fuel Company The opening of Its proper tips along the line of the road will compel com-pel It to make other Improvements |