Show Use Three Crown Baking Powder t PUREST YOUR AND > r GROCER BEST SELLS IT + HEWLETT BROS SALT LAKE CITY T1TAH u The Eagle Tobacco Curo Isa genuine I I reality It Is safe and sure O INIdJ11arrR d The EaY e Tobacco Cure Is a Wonderful Thing II T HAS NO RIVAL in its successful Work Road tho TESTIMONIALS of won known mono Works no INJURIES IN-JURIES on tho system but improves c your HEALTH TAKE IT and in 0 DAYS you will bo CURED of tho TOBACCO and CIGARETTE HABIT and your days on earth will bo lengthened Bond 0 for ono bottlo toE to-E lgle Pharmacy S V I Cor S < eonJ South and West Temple Streets Silt Lake City Agonts Wnntod Everywhere lioforo buying soo that the bottlos aro scaled with the slornaturo DRAN Lni DIAS None genuine without this seal or when IIIII Is broken E N JENl < INS Temple of Music Utah Agents for thc best 1lanos and Organs In the market 2O8 SoutH West Temple I POST OFFICE BLOCK Tvnc cnn PHI c Wlth ° co > Wah TYPE I FOR SALE wcth I II U I Ull v rKton I pMu Illh press cylinder com roller and chase Tyco In fair condition and Incase A complutu country oiilllt 1Vtlto tau and save money MATT U rDSALI Ogden I mnc anywhere In Utah Miller Farm Loans Hawley Mtg co U cCorulek lllock Salt Lake Watchmaker i Jeweler Fs Optician ILEX L VYATT Ml JIolu Street ASTONISHING RESULTS Vtom Tlio EAGLE LIQUOR CURE SAFEST MOST bUCOIISSKUL AND MOST ITUMANnNT m Ii1EDY YET WSCOVEKK1 Cases heretofore hole now cured and brought to neuneti of me aid hnpplne Head the test menial In thU Issue ot u pliy fclcUn once skeptical on liquor < cure but now a coiiMrt to the Enjjio Itemndy Itclapses Rum other cures and victims ol the terrible liquor dlenso should not delay Writ for lurtlnir partleulirs or call at EAGLE PIIABMACY S U Cor Sd 1 So and V Templo ts bait hake Uty Utah OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY OP HALT LAKE ANU OOIHN JIKIlCItANTS When answering nilvertlsemeuts kindly meutlon thU nowppujicr C tt Cafef0 W Tnlril South oppo Cottage age ila eHo Walkers tore A F rat Class MI with wino Strawberries and Cream or Ice Cream lor 20 CENTS Also rurnlalieil rooms M Os KERN ARCIIITKUT and super Ills U I f lutoiidcnt Uooms 35 v 38 Omerablka5w2dSouth P HOn u OE GH NsHns U ASMUrninVAlTK FROM CO Ogden Ut UUJU SAMJUUVUAMlJiliLiL1 WOOL Noon 111 Ihllln han Bldg HOO Iy to fret South bt 1 o Hox 1511 J31100M HOTEL uuulNul ylodetn I Itot pruvmnaiits Hates Unatonable PAPER iSriiis lIupllIe Wrapping ptt 1 i m uii i LAMmUT Twines Etc AMULIIT pAlBlt COSnlt Lake H 11 UFllUUlt A CO ASS YEHS I Sampler by mall or express receive prompt attention J W CURRIE ASSAYER 169 Main uymH bt 6altinue 1 Prompt attention clvou all orders by mall or express Supplies and arilldlog SLr BARBERS LAKE UA1t11E1tSSU1PLYCO t31 W 20d South SI I Au Loan on Improved lurnu 2 > MO fl I EY I I OlU YES t YiO CO 310 lorllek UldJl Snit LIe City P RnlNING 1I0ogbt and old J m STOCKS Aolollockl0uMuin fat Suit Lake City o Cut rates to all points BI f IICKETSICut n I In the world Groshellt Ticket omc1t L IR KO PP Manufacturer ot fluu candles Ifl s I uodj JoUDurIri confectionerssup pills U5J S Muliibult Lake City Utah Optical Go IU S Main IJ U Suit Mk nxAMitrlrxs FIIhE I LAWYERS I SfIUKt LL HUTCIIINSOII a peru HOIl u hlkoltLalw REPJUGTOll Is I household word In al m 11 U must every Olllco SI au fin 423JSt Ogdenlacx cluHve dealer Inthese l machine In Surllieni 1YPE BITERS t fel btit lie mates nil n fl Mi l mot Keinilriiiit n specialty BICYCLES I Best in the Market At 40350575 and SIOO Send Ic for oatuloznn All kinds bloyclu suu piles sent by mall Addru < U O llllMNOKft sup pc propr OgJen Cjcle Slot EOJ B1th St OtfdouUt MUSIC PIANOS ORGANS COALTEIt SNELGJIOVE COP CO-P I O lox 1 > 71 JIlllu Street TRY THE WALKER HOUSE Salt Lake our trip Onan I JOHNSON Proprietor UAPJT 1I10011S i 11100 IF 1 YOU WONT NT Jrlei r WAN I bass bull lawn tennis or cricket > slip rli I e uiiii iiuiniiiiiltlnii Oil genii for our illus tMK1 ea tit lei lit Irii IMII I IIUOHMMi lulOh IMMaln st Salt Luke SPRAY PIIMPQ S > lra I > lni material bent rUlili d < > n tart h Clegnut and lip Mlllllols Orate STCELRANGES35ClO lIot Ir 1UlIIII008 Cornuolldur 0IlcllI UTAH STOVE It HARDWARE COMPANY Reed Hotel OCDEN 131 Rooms elevators elrclrlo llxhts l Strict lyllrit class In all Its appointments > Make n Wratu to liilurmouululn troll IM N U181805 9altTaVo Desperado in n 3o Seattle Wash July 2iH has been learned that Frank J Hart a notori ous bunko steerer who broke Jail last March with the dpspiraJu Tom lllanck finally made good his escape by being sent in a bux to Pasco on the North ern Ittcine Traveling Auditor AVolt dlBoovereil how the ficlienm had been worked Thoro was nothing In tho box but a few KunnysarkB old nl a bot tlo of wliii 1Vht n the box was deliv ere < l the hour was inlilnlitht and escape from the lonely freight hnise was easy Dr Prices Crcam BaWnff Powder Worlda Fair Highest Medal and Diploma |