Show OVER A HUNDRED DROWNED Ortlgia Struck the Maria P Amidships and the Vessel Went Down Almost Immediately Carrying Carry-ing 148 to DeathApparently in Doubt as to Who is to Blame for the Awful loss of Life Genoa July 21The Italian steamers steam-ers Ortlgla and Maila P collided oft Iseal del Pinta at the entrance to the Gulf of Genoa today The latter I sank and 148 were drowned i The Maria P was bound from Naples Na-ples to La Plata There was a crew of seventeen and the passengers numbered num-bered 173 She was entering the Gulf lor Genoa at 130 oclock this morning I when she met the Ortlgla outbound They only noticed each other when a collision was Inevitable The bow of the Ortlgla crashed Into the starboard star-board wide of the Maria P penetrating penetrat-ing six yards and ripping up the Maria Ma-ria P like matchwood The water rushed In through the hole and the Maria P Bank In r thrco minutes The majority of tho passengers were asleep ut the tlmo of the accident and had no time to escape after the alarm was given They wero engulfed with the vessel The Ortlgla remained on the spot until 6 oclock In order to pickup pick-up the survivors She rescued fourteen at the crow and twentyeight of the passengers of the Maria P Other steamers have been dispatched to the scene of the disaster and are now searching for further survivors The Ortlgla haw was smashed for a space tit twelve feet along the water wa-ter line There Is some comment upon Uxo fact brought to mind by the disaster disas-ter that the Ortlgla once collided on the same spot with the French steamer IVOncle Josephe At the coniM of the sitting ot time Chamber today at Home the Mlnlter uC Marino announced the news of the disaster in the midst ot n profound pro-found sensation adding that an olllccr a seaman stoker and Ut passengers of the Maria P U u perished The OrtlgUV1 had twentyfive passengers pas-sengers on board The Marin Ps cantatn was named Ferrara The Chamber has ordered an inquiry into the disaster |