Show WILL KILL THE WHITES Bannocks Return With the Bodies of Four Bucks Pocatello Ida July 22From present pres-ent Indications the conflict between the settlers of the Jackson Hole country Northeastern Idaho and Northwestern I Wyoming and the Indians Is not ended end-ed Touay wanderers arrived on the reservation but are far from a peace I ful frame of mind for In the wagon they brought the bodies of four dead bucks I had been given out all aIr ng that only one Indian was killed One of the bucks said they were oniy cr mIng m-Ing to the reservation to get more ammunition am-munition and were going back to kill the white men Agent Teter will request that the Seventh Infantry from Fort Russell at Cheyenne or the Eighth cavalry from Boise be at once sent to this point unless the Indians return quietly to their homes J C Houtz a ranchman of Soda Springs says the police told him that the Indians killed a white man wife and child and the settlers rallied and killed six Indians THIS IS DIFFERENT Pocatello Ida July 22 Special to Tribune There Is no truth In the sensational sen-sational reports regarding the Indian outbreak No demonstrations have Been made by the Indians which always al-ways take place before hostilities are commenced There Is no excitement In Pocatello and no further trouble Is an Uclpated IndianAgentTeter Ism toUle oftroubleWlth his police to recall re-call the Bannocks which will surely be done surey A report reached the city this mornIng morn-Ing that the three dead Indians who were killed at Jackson Hole a few da sago s-ago were brought back as far as Grays lake and burled on account of not being able to keep them longer |