Show JAIL ON PLACER GROUND Peculiar Case Before the Court at Idaho City Boise July 20 Special to Trlbune A somewhat peculiar case has been occupying oc-cupying the attention of the District Court at Idaho City for several days Over a year ago Joseph Branstetter and his partners were enjoined by the County Commissioners from doing placer mining on ground that was claimed to belong to the county Jail and their last cleanup amounting to nearly 1000 was seized by the Sheriff and deposited In thc bank subject to further litigation as to Its ownership Afterwards a suit was Instituted by the county against Branstetter et al In which It claimed damages In the amount of 5000 to the county Jail prop erty The county introduced In evidence a deed to the property given by I A Knowles In 1804 and describing the boundaries of a piece of land 200 feet square but owing to the chaotic con dition of all marks In the vicinity of Idaho City on account of the successive operations of placer mining none of these boundaries can at present be located I lo-cated and the only hint as to where the countys 200 feet square was originally ori-ginally situated was contained In the testimony of exCommissioner Frank Moore who stated that the old Jail was built In the center of the lot This Jail served as a Territorial prison atone at-one time The ground Is now mined out on one side of It |