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Show j flf POINTED PARAGRAPHS. HSt)7 Wlioro tlioro's n will there's usually flH J , two or moro lawyers. 'iC If politics wera religion moro men HflV"l would attend church. H ''f ' Every mnn lins his trialsfor which flH . ' the lawyer Is thankful. flH' i I , Don't linposo on others In order to flfli J , mako an Imposing show. v.! HH (' Nothing bores an optimist llko tho flH. j J history of other peoplo's troubles. HHl I A woman's Idea of a miser Is a man flH' i who refuses to pay her a compliment. flflf1 W flflh It seems (incur that people lost so HH ,'' many more things than they find. Hw ! For obvious reasons a bookseller HH) should never acquire tho art of book- H keeping. Hflk Don't pour secrets Into a woman's HHl ! car unless you havo control of her H j tongue. HBr I HHP When somo men stand on their dig- HHji nlty they have no visible means of HH ': Euppoil. HI ' flflf j1 Borrowing trouhln Is llko trying to HK1 i cine a boll by rubbing It with a cur- Ht 'y-romb. H HH I: Many a young rami's ability to get HHf nlong without brains Is duo to his HB 'j father' money. flH i You can't always tell where a man HHT j Is from by tho record ho leaves on tho HB .! hotel register. HHC ' 1 Probably somo men aro unable to flV stand upon their dignity becauso their HV feet aro larger than their dignity. HV Kvcn If n man Is Ignorant of tho art HV. of wooing ho can always find somo HB;1 woman rendy to afford him an oppor- flfl: t tunlty to practice. iThoro nro nearly 20,000 known remedies rem-edies for various diseases, and tho man with n boll on tho back of his HH i neck lms most of them suggested to flB I, him. Chicago Dally News. |