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Show A Letter from Robert Abel. AValla, Walla, Washington. April 10, 1003. Loo AX ItKrUFLlCAX: Received your papers today and to say that I was pleased to again scan the columns of your valuable paper would be putting it light. Everything hero Is green and the weather is all that could be wished for. Prosessor E. W. Nichols leader of the military band lias left for Salt Lake City in the hopes of benefiting Ills health which lias of late been very poorly. President Roosevelt will be In Walla Walla May 25th and will spend threo or four hours In this city. May 1st the AVoodmen of tho World will hold a log rolling in AValla AValla. The Holt Manfacturlng Co. with branch olllccs In tills city and other AVashington towns, with headquarters at Stockton, California, is contemplating contemplat-ing a plant in AValla AValla In the near future for tho manufacture of the Holt Combined Harvester. Mr. Holt stated that his company has already this year contracted over 00 combined harvesters in Eastern AVashington. AVash-ington. Mr. Holt said "Plans as yet have not been decided upon In detail but the plant would have an output of from 200 to 400 combined harvesters a'ycarand would employ from 150 to 200 and means an investment of $100,-000. $100,-000. The AVoodmen gave a smoker on Thursday, a large number attending AValla AValla will bo honored with many conventions this summer being as follows: April Otli district convention conven-tion Knights of Pythias; April 10 to 18th annual meeting the Inland Empire Teachers Association; May 1st to 3rd. AVoodmen of tho AVorld log rolling; May 7th to 8th annual state camp of the Modern AVoodman of America; May 25th the visit ofPres. Roosevelt; Juno 4th I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge meeting of the State of AVashington; AVash-ington; June 5th to 15th State convention con-vention and annual camp meeting of Christian Church. Men are very scarce, Inquiry at the employment olllccs electing the Information In-formation that tho demand exceeds the supply. Captain Sever of Fort AA'alla AValla has received through the John Smith company a Kentucky breaking cart ono of the swcllcst vehicles ever received re-ceived In AValla AValla. ROHEItT AllEL. |