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Show Rooits With tho Chickens. Farmer Johnson of Hod Rock Is the ownor ot a cat, which, from kitten-hood, kitten-hood, almost, has shown a groat fondness fond-ness for tho Bociety of chickens. From the time Tom was half-grown it has been no unusual sight to soe him at night on the roost with tho chlckons. Ho follows them all day. Ho betrays no attachment for any ono fowl, but associates Impartially with all. Tho chicks have become accustomed to him, and ho is evidently regarded as a protector. Tom retains sufllclent cat nature to llo curled up snug and warm. Tom frequently can bo seen sldo by sldo with a setting hen on her neat, whoreln ho is content to remain for hours. Now York World. |