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Show HE HAD HALF-LUCK. Good and Bad Fortune About Balanced With Him. "Thero Is such a thing an luck and thero Is such a thing ns half-luck," said a fireside philosopher. "Many men aro heard to complain becauso they don't hnvo luck, but I'm fairly well satisfied, for I havo had half-luck all my days. "When I was a Ilttlo shaver about 8 years old my mother sent me on horso-baclc horso-baclc from our farm to tho country storo at tho crossroads, to exchange, or 'trndo,' as we then said, six eggs for Bomo brown BUgar. I carefully placed tho eggs three in ono Jacket pocket and three in tho other. My mother wanted mo to carry them In a Ilttlo basket or a bag, but I had my own notions and wouldn't do It. Well, in trying to mako our old horso Dolly, run at a circus gait after I got out of sight of tho house I was thrown off and broko thrco of tho eggs. "When I reached homo with a small quantity of sugar and an egg-spattered Jacket. I received tho two doughnuts which had been promised mo for going after tho sugar also a lively switching switch-ing from my mother for breaking tho eggs. That's what I mean by half-luck. half-luck. I had broken only half tho eggs and was both rewarded and punished. "This half-luck ha3 presided over my llfo throughout," continued tho philosopher, according to tho Detroit Free Press. "I've made monoy and lost somo of It; good health is mlno about half tho time; ono of my sons is industrious the other is notl ono daughter married well and tho other did not. Of my two wives, ono ruled mo and tho other ono I could influence So It has gone half-luck all tho way nlong; but I'm not complaining; no, indeed. I'd bo afraid to complain for fear of worse" |