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Show HE GOT TENDER DUCKS. Old Salt Knew a Thing or Two About Marketing In Philadelphia. Capt. Frederick M. Passow, commanding com-manding tho American liner St. Louis, Is as clover an old salt as over sallod "tho briny deep." Whon on shoro ho lives In Philadelphia and on such raro occasions takes upon himself him-self tho duty of attending to tho family fam-ily markotlng. A butcher nt tho Terminal Ter-minal market relates this incident of his shrewdness: "Ho camo hero ono morning," said tho butcher, "after ducks. Ho wasn't known hero then, and to a poultry dealer ho said: " 'How many ducks havo you got altogether?' , "'Only twelve sir,' tho dealer answered. '"Well, I'll tell you; I'm a boarding board-ing houso keeper and I want you to pick out for mo tho nlno toughest ducks of tho lot.' "Tho denier, with an affnblo and plcnscd smile, did this, laying tho nlno tough ducks In ono pllo on his right and tho thrco remaining tender ones in another pllo on his left. "On tho latter Captain Passow laid bin hand. '"On second thought,' ho said, 'I'll Just take these.' " |