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Show Air Baths. "Air baths" are all the rage In fashionable fash-ionable Berlin Just now. Wo all know whnt necessary factors light and air are for tho maintenance of health. The Borlln air baths havo tho great advantage ad-vantage of being pleasant as well as healthful, and many of tho society women of tho German capital havo taken them up. Even tbo tiniest children chil-dren aro taken to these "baths" an well as young girls and moro elderly women. Tho main object, of comae, is tho exorclso of both tho muscles and tin lungs at tho samo timo, and tho nondescript non-descript kind of bathing dress worn allows tho women ft. delightful sense of freedom whllo practicing their gymnastic gym-nastic feats or playing at gardening in tho grounds. It is scurcoly neccs snry to add that tho garden is kopt ns secluded as possible Sun minded by high walls, It I? situated In a quiet locality Just outside the city. |