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Show MAY REVIVE SQUARE PIANO. Recent Improvement Adds to Effectiveness Effect-iveness of Tone Perhaps tho square piano will como Into voguo again now that Mrs. John Mitchell Clark of Now York has discovered dis-covered that a piano top, ahaped llko tho upper sldo of a brass viol, adds great clearness nnd resonnnco to tho tono of tho Instrument. Tho top Is-concave Is-concave within, something llko tho roof of tho human mouth, and It serves tho purpose of collecting nnd distributing tone. It Is a tono ro-flector, ro-flector, in fact; and, slnco tho tones aro not exaggerated, but simply collected col-lected and carried, this Invention seems particularly adapted to tho heavily curtained drawing room. When tho piano Is closed this lid shuts upon It llko a shell, having much tho effect of tho Louis XV. furniture, fur-niture, eliminating forever tho possibility possi-bility of tho Instrument being used as a depository for bric-a-brac. WOULD DECREASE PENSION LIST. Why Adult Cripples Would Not Seek Dr. Lorenz. Dr. Adolph Lorenz had much to say In regard to his cordial reception In this country. Our ple-eatlng propensities propen-sities astonished him; our rapid methods and Irregular habits causod him to hold his breath, and tho appreciation appre-ciation with which wo recognized his ability pleased tho doctor. To a gathering of physicians Dr. Lorenz remarked that he did not care to undertake the curo of cripples who had reached maturity. "And if you could curo such casos, doctor, I do not believe that very many cripples would apply to you for relief," Bald ono ot tho gentlemen present. "No?" asked the Austrian surgeon in surprise. "Don't you seo, doctor," oxplalned tho gentleman, "If you curod them thoy would be removed from tho pension pen-sion roll." Now York Mall and Express. |