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Show CURIOUS ROCKS IN SCOTLAND. Basaltic Pillars That Havs Resem-bianco Resem-bianco to Women. In tho parish of Dulrinsh, Islo of Skyo, Scotland, there are threo curious curi-ous basaltic pillars a few hundred yards west of Idrlglll Point. They aro pyramldlerd masses of rock similar simi-lar to tho EtncltB on the coasts of Shetland and Wick. Those basaltic pillars rlso vertically from tho sea. Tho largest of tho tireo attains a height of 200 feet. Tho othor two aro about 100 foot high. The two lattor ore perforated and occur respectively, ono In Loch Bracadalo and tho other . Jp near Loch Eynart. They are called , "Maldons" bocaufo at a dlstanco they aro very like glyantlc women dressed in cloaks and hoods. Sir Walter Scott refers to them, and compares them to Norwegian riders of tho storm. Tho country peoplo call thom "tho mother and her two daughters." They mlglit bo described as thrto spires of rock, rising shoer out of tho sea, having tho appearanco of women, whoso foot 1 aro over washed by tho foamy wators I of tho briny deep. |