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Show No 341. , HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED NOTICE I'on 1'UHLIOATION. .'J! Department of tho Interior, Land Ofllco at Salt Lako City, Utah. March 20, 1M. Notlco Is hereby given that tho following named settlers havo filed notice of their Intentions In-tentions to mako final proofs In support ot their claims and that said proofs will bo made ' boforo tho County Clerk of Hot Elder County I Utah, at llrlnham City, Utah, on Monday tho 4th day of May, 1D03, vli: llldvo II. Anderson ' of MUlvlllc, Cacho county, Utah, on II. T. ' 13158 for tho lot 2: SWM of NEK and WK SEN t of Section 5 Township 14 Nil 5 West, Salt Lako Mcrtdan, containing in all 150 71-100 acros. i Sho names tho following witnesses to provo ' hercontlnuous resldcnco upon and cultivation r of said land, viz: Joseph A. Jessops, Charles i Cumm Ings, both of MUlvlllc, Cacho county, Utah! James S. Cantwcll, of Logan. Cacho ' county. Utah, and William McNollcy, of West Portage, Utah. ! Also Thomas E. Jcssops, II. E. 13159 for tho lot 3. and SEVof NWW and EKotSWMof J Section 4 In Township 14 Nit 5 West, Salt Lako J Meridian, containing in all 1G0 17-100 acres. .' Ho names tho following witnesses to provo J his continuous resldcnco upon nnd cultivation t of Bald land, vizi llldvo II. Anderson, and ' Charles Cummlugs. both of MUlvlllc, Cacho county, Utnh, James S. Cantwoll, of Logan, j! Utah, and William McNallcy. of West l'ort- j age. Utah. 'i Also Ephralm Jcssops. II. E. 13IC0 for tho f Lot 1 SEW of NEW nnd EH of SEW of Section J 5 In Township 14, Nil 5 West. Salt Lako Merl- dlan, containing In all 15!) C9-10O acres. I Ho names tho following witnesses to provo f bis continuous resldcnco upon and cultivation l of said land, viz: Charles Cummlngs and llldvo II. Anderson both of MlUvlllo, Cachf ' county, Utah, James 8. Cantwcll, of Log&m Utah and William McNallcy. of West Portage f Utah. J Also Joseph A, Jessop, II. E. 13101 for tlio Lot 4 S WW of NWW and WM of S WW of Sec- f tlon 4 in Township 14 NI15 West, Salt Lako i Meridian, containing In all 159 09-100 acres. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous resldcnco upon and cultlva- tlon of said land, viz: Charles Cummlngs nnd Annlo Anderson, both of MUlvlllc, Cacho count!-, Utah. James H. Cantwcll, of Logan, Utah, and William McNallcy, of West Portage. Utah. I Also Annlo Anderson. II. E. 13102 for tho N I Hot NWW of Section 0 and NK of NEW of I Section 8 In Township 14 Nil 5 West of Salt LakcMerldlan, containing In all 100 acres. Sho names tho following wltnosscs to provo hercontlnuous residence upon and cultivation cultiva-tion of said Innd, viz: Ephralm .Jessop and Charles Cummlngs. of MUlrllle. Cacho County Utah. James S. Cantwoll, of Logan. Utah and 1 William McNallcy. of West Portage. Utah. f I'kank 1). lloniis. t lleglster. I I' 11KD J. IIOt.TON. S Attorney for Entrymcn. llrlgham City, Utah. I , NOTICE I'OIl PUBLICATION No. 5337. i Department of tho Interior. f Land Ofllco at Salt Lako City, ...... . . March 20th. 1003. i Notlco Is hcrnby given that tho following f named settler has Bled notlco of his Intention 1 to makotlnal proof In support of his claim, f and that said proof will bo made beforo tho J County Clerk of Itox Elder County, Utnh, at i! llrlgham City, Utah, on May 14th. 1U03, viz: Phlleno Hall. II. E. 1U.21W. for thn Lot 1 and 2 t Sec 30 Tp 14 N, It 3 W, and EM NEW Sec 25 Tp I 14 N. It 4 W. S. L. M. ' llo na es tlio following witnesses to provo j ... sldenco upon nnd cultlva- if tlon of snld Innd. viz: O. C. Ilosklns, David H Mall, Azlali Moss and Joslah Ilosklns all of H West Portage. Utah. , f I'iiank D. HonnsV, n Ilegls.tcr J PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult County Clerk or the Respective Sign- ers for further Information. ', i, In the District Court, Probate Division In and ; for Cache County, State of Utah. SUMMONS. 1 In tho District Court ot Cacho County, Ml Alberta Illglow Stougio Plaintiff ) I LukoStouglo VS- Summons. I Dofcndant. ) I Tho Stato of Utah, to tho said Defendant: You aro hereby Isummoned to appear with- t In twenty days after tho service of this u Summons upon you. It served within tho k county In which this action Is brought, other- wise, within thirty days after servlco, and 'j defend tho above entitled action: and In caso J of your failure so to do. Judgment will bo ' rendered against you according to tho do- ft tnaml ot tho complaint, of which a copy Is i herewith served upon you. I W. W. Maughan. r Plaintiffs Attorncj-.. PostOfllco Address: Logan. Cacho Co. Utah. I' .-Wt April M , NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estato of William E. Partington Decoased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers totho undersigned at tho resldenc of I.'nga Partington In Logan City in tho County of Cache and Stato of Utah, on or lieforo tlio twenty-first day nt January A. I). JU04. Datoof llrst publication March 20th A. I). 11103. P.NOA PAllTINOTON. . W JOSEPH ALMA PAHTIXaTOftk- f EvecHtorsof tlio last (Will f nnd of tlm estate of William E. Partington. I deceased. yitAlir.S I NOTICE TO CREDITORS f KSTATKOl-BAMUKr. MITTOV, I1KCKA8KI). ' Credlto. s will present claims with vouchers to tlui undersigned at his residence In boiraii . City In tlio County of Cache and Mate of Utah, on or beforo tho first day of June, A. ' D.mu Tlrst Pulilli-atlon JnnuarySO, A. I). 1W3. SAMUEL II. MITTON. Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Eslatoof John Nelson, deceased. Creditors will present claims with uiucliert ' to the undersigned at thoolllco of James C Wallers, attorney at law, Logan. I'Uili on or before the 25th (lay of .lutiu A. I). 11HI. Datoof llrst publication. February 21st A. El'nVARD W. NELSON, administrator of the estate John Nelson. Deceased, NOTICE TO CREDITOR. Estate of Laura A. Follows, Deceased t'ledllors will present claims wllh "";,fH to the undei signed nt his residence In ID"? Park In tho County of Cache and Male j llluli.nnur boroni tho twenty-fifth day i June A. D. IHU. . , Dale of first publication February -llli a. I), 11X13. QEOROEZ. LAMI1 Administrator. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS .1 Estate of .lohanuas Nielsen, nllas JolinXel H . Mm, ilevi-UM d , , j,,i I ft- Creditors will present claims wit i )"aX" 1 P to the undersigned nt the ollli'ii of J ' 1 art out the First National Hank In XfK M tity, rtnh.onorbefoio the Will day of Juw A. I). IMI. ,. Dale of first publication Mnich 3. ' lltur of tho last wlll'iind testament of Jul''""" H Melsen, allns.lolin Nelson, deceasci!. m Stewart A, Stewart, Atlonieis. |