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Show Local Jottings. Robert Rccder of Hjdo 1'ark was In Logan on Thursday. Stephen Hailstone is quite 111 and conlined to his bed. r FoiSaturday only I) lbs. of Aibuoklc's Collee for $1.00 at II. O. HiWjiall's Jai'-a-i.au makes ofd furnllurc look like new. At Rfler Rros. Drug Co. The new front that is being put In tho T. D. Roberts property on 1st. North street Is modern and will make a llrst-ratc looking building of the old structure. Some of the baseball bojs who know Homer Plake. formerly of the Ogden (cam, may be Intrusted to learn that he was married jestcrday evening to Miss Myra Foulgcr, of Ogden. McDonald's Rojal Opera 1 Jar' and Chocolate Chips w 111 he served free ,at the Co-op Grocery & Drug Co. ' store, Friday. Rlter llros. Drug store, Saturday. Sat-urday. City Drug Co.'s stoic! Monday. Call and try It. , A deal was on jestcrd.iy between Roundy and Ricks of Henson and W. .1. Robinson, representing the Alberta Cattle company of Canada, wherein a consideration of $13,000 was Involved it a cattle purchase. The tiansactlon was practically closed, und the cattle will be forwarded to Canada at once. Prof. A'crnon's new residence on 1st East street Is rapidly ncailng completion comple-tion and will be ready for occupancy ere long. The building is of led brick, up-to-date In architectuie and when completed will add much to the appearance ap-pearance of that portion of the city. Dr. D. C. Rudgc announces that he will be ready on Monday morning to resume his practice. Although slightly slight-ly weak from his recent sevcie illness, the pressure brought to bear by his patients has caused him to feel the necessity of getting Into tho harness har-ness once more. The Dr. Is now located lo-cated In an elegant suite of rooms in the new Co-op uulldlng. Marriage licenses have been granted grant-ed as follows: John A. Miller and l'hoebo 1. Iljde both of Grover, Wyo; Simon Kohlcr and Rosa Mcrs both ot Providence; Ezra Campbell and Lucy Pickett both of Providence; Ona R. Davenport, Hood River, Ore, Lucilc Harbor Logan; Alma O. Laison and Rachel Olscn both of Millvllle; Arthur F. Petcison and Selina M. Claw son both of Hyrum; Edward Ilaur and Emma Kohlcr both of Piovldence; Frances J. Walters and Chloe E. Nceley both of, RIverdale Ida. Prof. A. E. Wilson, principal .of tho Ogden High school, has been tendered the chair at the A. C. from which Dr. Moench recently resigned. Prof. Wilson will arrive In Logan tonight, remaining oer Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Engle, and while here will look over the Held and como to a decision de-cision in tho matter. Inasmuch as tho salary attached to the position at the A. 0. is higher and the work lighter than the position he now holds, Piof. Wilson will In all probability prob-ability accept. Prof. Wilson Is a joung man of undoubted quallllca-tions quallllca-tions with a strength of ehaiacter and social qualities that will make him a worthy addition to the A. C. faculty, should he accept. Messrs. T3av IdEcclcS and C. W. Nib-ley Nib-ley have Just purchased from tho Oie-gonShoitLlne Oie-gonShoitLlne all the narrow-gaugo equipment of the latter company and tho same will begin to move toOiegon today. This Is quite a largo addition to the equipment of the Sumptcr Valley, Val-ley, as tho Short Lino had on hand three Mogul engines, 153 freight, out-lit, out-lit, water and wrecking cars, thirty passenger, baggage and excursion cars, making a total of loi pieces. The Sumptcr Valley people, however, leal-ilng leal-ilng that they tould get the equipment equip-ment at a icasonable price and that It would all bo needed when their line was extended, took the entire lot at a llguio something like $10,000.- The season of kissing bugs lcmlnds us of the following little effusion our devil tacked on our door some das back. As we aic not hi the habit of hiding our light under a bushel basket or wealing a mask when wo have ta good thing to say we pass It along: "An old maid stood on tho steamboat deck whence all but her had tied; and calmly faced a kissing h.ig thatchclcd overhead. Tho maidens shrieked and the matrons swooned and the men all sworo amain, but tho gamo old maid liko a hero stayed and whispered 'come again.' There was a buz a thunder sound the old maid was bho dead? Nay, still she stood and cried for more, but the kissing bug had ilcd."-Ex. Pros. Wm. Hudgc. of the Rear Lake Stake Is visiting with his son, D. C. Hudgc, in this city for a few dajs. Jacob Elle, the man who stole a horse and took it to Idaho, subsequently sub-sequently captured by Sheriff Rlgby, will lccclvc sentence tomorrow. The board of county commissioners was In session today to consider the advisability, of uniting Mountain Homo and Covcvllle school districts. There wcro a large number of witnesses wit-nesses before the court, giving their views for and against the proposition. The case was not closed as wc go to press. Miss Ida, Duo one of the members of the Thatcher Stock Co., gained favor In all the large Intcrmountaln and coast cities where she Is known as one of the bright western actresses. Her versatility Is quite remarkable for a girl of her years. She has never failed to make a favorable Impression wherever she has appeared. She is the possessor of a splendid soprano voice highly cultivated and It Is said she dances just as well as she sings. Wc expect a very sympathetic rendition rendi-tion of tho touching part of Vera In "Moths" and predict a largo success for her before our Logan public. |