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Show PENCIL POINTS. When doctors pay visits they expect tho visits to pay them. Ignoranco and superstition aro tho oldest married couplo on record. Excrclso Is work you ltko to do; work Is excrclso you don't Hko to do. Tho man who lives for himself alono does tho world a favor when ho dies Thrco times as much history has been written than was over manufao hired. Every musician knows thnt ho could wrlto a popular song If he cared to lower himself. ti . Somo monuments aro invorted shafts or at least thoy seem to point In tho wrong direction. Man Is born to sorvo a life sentonco at hard labor, but occasionally he secures se-cures a stay of execution. " A man has reached tho last stago of shlftlcssuess when ho marries his landlady to avoid paying n board bill. "Thoro aro but fow rich doctors," says a medical Journal. This la doubtless doubt-less duo to tho fact that thero aro so many poor ones. |