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Show NOT ON THE PROGRAM. Unrehearsed Tableau Caused Stampede Stam-pede from Paris Studio. A few years ago a Boston woman was staying in Paris, nnd with her was a New York widow of tho primmest prim-mest typo. Among their acquaintances acquaint-ances by letters of Introduction was a Frenchman who know his Paris llko a book, and a very agreeable and delightful de-lightful gentleman In every senso of the word. Ho proved to bo guldo and friend, obtaining entree for them to prlvato picture galleries and studios whero strangers would give their eyes to go, but without avail. One day ho asked If the two ladles would like to visit Bougereau's atelier, and they Immediately accepted the Invitation, at tho same time suggesting that an American friend with two young daughters, might Join the party. Surely yes, and tho group set forth to tho studio tho next day. Ascending tho stairs, tho gentleman gentle-man went first, the three ladles following, fol-lowing, with tho young daughters in tho rear. A rap on tho door was answered by "Entrez!" nnd enter thoy did to benold threo or four men smoking, while a fair model posed under the bright light In tho altogether. alto-gether. Thcro was a shriek in tho vernacular, vernacu-lar, tho young girls wero Bhooed down Btairs as tho door banged to, and tho prim Boston nnd Now York ladles retired with much dignity to their carriage below, while their escort es-cort "saw Bougereau about It," Apologies Apolo-gies were profuse, and two minutes later tho cntlro party ascended again, and this time they found tho room vacant, va-cant, not a trace of tho smokers or tho model, and the artist met them as Bcrene as a moonbeam. |