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Show H I t H ' ! ; Sidelight on History. HB ' i ' Job, who in biblical days was es- H teemed tho most patient of men, HB H though reviled and abused in his at- HB I ! M dictions, still retained his mcok pa- HB If-ft tlcucc. B v Finally his friends consulted among HB ! thumsolves, saying: HB "How shall wo mako nim loso his HJ i temper?" B ' I Then one. who wns tcputed a wlso m if man, said: m , i "KuruKn"' or tho Hobrale to that B L effect "let us get him to put a tele- B .1 phono In his house and then stnrt B calling him up at unearthly hours. If H ijj'j neegshary, we'll put a sassy 'hello girl' BBB ,! on his line." B Ancient chronicles nro wisely silent B ,, on tlio subject, but wo all know that t ", human pntlcnco could not possibly B I enduro such a test. Dnltlmoro Her- HB |