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Show NEW BRAND OF COWBOY. Finds Employment on Monater Ranges of British Columbia. "I notlco that tho young men who view tho fnr West from a car window nnd then wrlto It up for the magazines, maga-zines, say that tho cattle rango Is a thing of tho past," said tho man from Montana. "They nlso toll us that Uio always picturesque cowboy Is a thing of tho past, and his successor Is little moro than a farmhand. More they tell ub Is thnt tho small ranch has tnken up all tho Innd, nnd that tho only plnco In tho world whero ono could find a big cattle rango is In Australia or on tho steppes of Siberia. Si-beria. "Thcso young fellows may wrlto very nicely, but thoy aro off on their fncts. You can see tho far West as It was In tho heyday of tho cattlo business by going up Into British Columbia. Hero you can find ranges such as Wyoming, Texas or Montana novor boasted. And tho cowboy Is there, too, just ns picturesque, and, If anything, a Ilttlo moro tough than ho wns when tho states formed his stamping ground. In fnct, thero aro many bad citizens 'punching' cows In tho basins north of tho Montnnn lino. Somo of them found tho climate moro healthy, as tho authorities of the communities that wanted them regarded re-garded extradition from tho Dominion ns a trlflo expensive. "It won't bo long boforo wo will havo short stories and novels founded on material gathered In tills now cattlo cat-tlo country, for thero is no end to tho striking color that can bo obtained." |