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Show ' OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Ht , Little Stories Tending to Weaken Hl Some Popular Theories. M? i I wntcliod my wlto dressing horhalr B-' 1 fo other ovenlng. Dy Jovo, her hair Bl; is longer and darker than It was when H ' we wero mntrlcd. B't 1 "Tlio teacher asked us to-day If B thero was over n greater man than Ab-ra-ham Lincoln, nnd I told her 'My ' A linpa.'" This at dinner, from Mollle, m ' 1 our olrest, aged fl. B A neighbor brought my wife tickets B , i for n swell muslcnlo recently. On tlio B, ' night It was to come off I went homo ; not particularly uplifted In nntlclpa- HR i-i tlon. At dinner my wlfo said: "Wo V r' won't go out to-night, dearie. You look B tired. Whnt do you say to a rubbor of B crlbbage7" Bv I Jack Davis, an old buddlo of mine, B ,' , ; enmo out to din nor tlio other ovonlng. B, '( Hoally, everything did run smooth- BBJr ly. I went to tlio door with him. Ho t whispered: "Say, old man, for ravish- , i , tng cooking, nn Ideal don nnd tlio can- BBb ' dy outnt nil through you'vo got tlio 1; world beat. And say, pardon and nil 1; I that, but this Is from nn old pal. Tho 1- missus Is ono of tho finest little women Bf I ever saw." BBj, Last week my wlfo's father 'phoned B mo to hiistlo over to his oincc. "My 1- boy," said he when I arrived, "you'vo Bj j got two hours and n half to scrape to- Hi J gothcr every plcco of collateral In Hi l your n tune ICO minutes thcro's Hj1 something doing." It only took mo HJ n half hour. This morning, referring fl to mo, ono of tho papers printed tho HJ following: "Tho street Is recognizing B a now Napoleon of flnanco In tho per- Hfl son of young Mr. , who has just Hf - turned a mighty clover and exceod- HB' lngly prolltablo deal." Pittsburg DIs- B J patch. |