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Show Hall Calne's Idea. At a recent banquet In London Hall Calne Informed his hearers that tho mission of the playwright is to amuso tho great public, and by virtue of so doing to put money In tho purse of tho managers, the actors, tho supers and the chorus. Nothing but Mr. Caino's well-known modesty, it is to bo presumed, prevented him from Including In-cluding tho author in tho list of deslrnblo beneficiaries. Put money In thy purso! It Is tho motto of Othello's ancient of all other peoplo of his strlpo back to tho hero of tho thirty pieces of silver. As for thoso who accuse ac-cuse Mr. Calno of deserting the cause of art for that of gold, they "wallow In tho backwater of their own incompetence." incompe-tence." Tho argument somehow seems to suffer from what tho Greeks called anacoluthon, or, as wo say In the vulgar, its trousers don't hitch to Its suspenders, leaving Mr. Calno open to the smack of chastisement. Yet "wallow in the backwater of their own incompetence" is good. |