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Show Not Entitled to Rebate. A Mount Vernon clergyman told his Hock tho following story recently to Ulustrato his opposition to tho granting of cut rates or special privileges priv-ileges to men of tho cloth. "I onco knew a clorgjmnn," ho sold, "who found himselt out on n lark with n party of men about town. Ho played billiards, and ato and drank with tho othors and hold his end up In nil respects until it camo timo to settle Then ho leaned over tho bar ami whispered to tho bartender: 'Say, I'm a minister, nnd if thero Is any reduction In my case, why I'd bo ghtd to havu it, you know.' '"Say, youse," replied tho barkeeper, bar-keeper, 'you played billiards llko u heathen an' ato like a heathen an' drank llko a hoathon. Now, I wnnts youse to pay like a heathen.'" Now Yorl Sun |