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Show Two Brave Irish Boys. Devlin and Conway of Traleo, stand foiward and let us nil havo a good look at you; for, though your gallantry was in vain, that was not your fault, and you aro both heroic Irish, lads! So writes a contributor to an English magazine A fire broke out at night In tholr native town. It did Its work quickly nnd cruelly. By nnd by It was whU-pered whU-pered in tho crowd that two children wero In tho burning house Tills wns enough for Devlin and Conwny. Forcing their way through tho front windows, in splto of llamo and smoke, they searched for tho poor balms, and at last brought them out. Tho pity of It was that these two plucky fellows wero too Into, for tho children wero bo badly burned that they died of their hurts. But God bless theso two Irish boys for doing what thoy could to savo tho children! |