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Show AN ODD JAPANESE CUSTOM. j The Day's Twcnty.four hours Divided BBJ Into Twelve Periods. Bfl Tho Japaneso divide tho twenty-four BBJ hours Into twelvo periods, of which BBJ six belong to the night and six to tho BBJ day, their day beginning at sunrise BBJ and ending nt sunsot. AVhether tho BBJ dny or night bo long or short, there BBJ are always six porlods In each. To at- BBJ tain this tho characters or numerals BBJ on tho scnlo aro adjustable. Two of BBJ them are set, one to agree with tho Bfl sunrlso, tho other with the sunset, nnd BBJ tho four characters botween thom dl- BBJ vido tho spaco Into equal portions. BhJ Thus, when tho period of daylight Is BBJ longer than tho night, tho dny hours BBJ will bo proportionately longer than BBJ thoso nt night. BBJ Another peculiarity In their scalo Is BBJ that they uso only six characters, BBJ thoso from four to nine, nnd theso BBJ read backwnrd. jBfl The Flood of Dooks. BBJ Georgo Brandos, tho Danish critic, BBJ Is nppnlled nt tho world's literary BBJ dolugc. Ho has been compiling somo BBJ figures and finds that about 10,000 BBJ novels nppear every year. Germany BBJ publishes 2,000, Great Britain 1,500, BBJ Russia 1,000, America rather more, Bfl Franco GOO, Italy nnd Spain about COO BBJ each, Japan 460, India 200, Egypt a BBJ dozen, otc. In twenty years tho United BBJ Stntcs and most European countries BBJ linvo doubled their output of books, HHj nnd Dr. Drnndcs snys thnt no library BBJ is largo enough to contain nil tho BBJ books thnt appear in tho courso of BBJ ten years. It will bo seen that tho BBJ problem of tho librarian Is becoming BBJ more serious ovcry dny. BBJ Printing From Celluloid. BBJ Italian publishers and newspaper BBJ proprietors aro seriously interesting Hfl themselves In a now procoss of print- BBJ Ing, for which important claims aro , BBJ mado, says tho Roman Tribune. Tho BBJ Gcnocso firm of Baclgalupl has ac- BBJ quired all rights In tho now process, BBJ and a fow days sinco all tho nowepn- BH per proprietors and leading printers BBJ of Milan assembled to witness a scries BBJ of practical tests, which aro all do- BBJ scribed as having been porfectly sat- BBJ Isinctory. Tho invention consists In Hfl tho substitution of celluloid for prop- BBJ nrntlons of lead and antimony, and Hfl gives nn admlrablo reproduction from BBJ nil kinds of plates and blocks. BBJ To Harness the Colorado.- BBJ Arizona engineers rcgnrd the Grand Hfl Canyon of tho Colorado as affording ttH ono of tho greatest fields In oxistenco Hfl for tho development of electricity Hfl from water power. In addition to tho BBJ Immense power of tho Colorado Itsolf, HH largo stores of enorgy aro avallablo In BBJ tho summer streams thnt leap Into BBJ tho vast chasm. The plan by which BBJ tho power of the mnln stream will, it BBJ Is now thought, eventually bo utilized BBJ is thnt of "picking up" tho fnll of the IBB river by means of tunnels. At a point BBJ about seventy miles north of Wii- HJ Hams It Is said that a fall of 5,000 BBJ feet can bo found In n dlstanco but BBJ llttlo oxcccdlng a mllo. BBJ First Artificer Honored. BBJ Tho first artificer over ennobled for BBJ his work was Henry do Vic, a con- BB verted Arab who built a gigantic clock BBJ for Charles V., king of Franco, In 1370. BhJ Tho cluck weighed, flvo hundredweight BBJ Do Vic also recelvod a life pension of BBJ 100 crowns. BBJ |