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Show EXERCISE FOR FAT PF.RJON3. Some Judgment Required as to tho Proper Form. Don't nerlcct exercise, but don't overdo It. Too much exerelso will alone set up obesity, because It weakens weak-ens tho whole digestive apparatus. Doctors don't rcom to think of this, but It Is so. Many a blcyclo "scorcher" "scorch-er" has actually Increased his ndlposo tissue. Among these best exorcises for women nro skipping, battledore-and-Bhuttlecock, and lawn tennis. Tho first Is excellent for tho tendency to abdominal obesity to which they aro so llablo; tho second and third are good generally, because they put In action nil parts of the body. Wnlklng up and down stairs will nlso keep down fat and so will scrubbing. For men. baseball, cricket, football and golf nro good exercises. Indeed, nil tho exercises mentioned nro beneficial to both sexes, when dropped short of fntlguo, as nlso Is horscrldlng. Light dumbell or Indian club exercise will do good, nnd nothing Is better as a fat-preventer than n.Bhort, brisk walk before breakfast. One Honest Statesman. Asscmblymnn Georgo 11. Clark of tho Twenty-ninth Now York district has not only returned a Pullman sleeping car pass sent him by tho company, but hns sent tho sccrotnry of tht organization $1 In payment for a rldo In a car which tho conductor had fnllod to collect, knowing tho olll-clal olll-clal position his passenger held. "I called on the attorney gonernl." Mr. Clark said In speaking of the occurrence, occur-rence, "nnd was Informed by him that It would not bo right to uso a pass. That was enough for me. I Immediately Immedi-ately returned tho pass with my check for tho amount of tho palace car charge." Drilling the Persian Army. Tho Persian army, according to Henry Savage I.nndor, tho travclor, Is a "painful sight," although thero wero somo good Cossack cavalry which had been drilled by Ilusslnn olllcers. The Infantry, however, wero a ragged, lazy, shiftless lot. Ho asked permission permis-sion to seo tho army drill. "We do not drill In summer. It's too hot," said a general. "Do you drill In winter?" "No, It's too cold." "Aro the troops, then, only drilled In tho nutumn and spring?" "Sometimes. They nro principally drilled a few days boforo tho shnh's birthday, so that they may look woll on tho -parade day boforo his majesty." maj-esty." Costly Gems Seldom Seen. A prominent metropolitan Jeweler hns mado the Interesting statement that the largo majority of the ultra-fashlonnblo ultra-fashlonnblo women who possess fortunes for-tunes In raro nnd costly gems seldom allow these ornaments to bo seen, but wear Instead exact counterpaits of paste. This Is to protect themselves from robbery, nnd, in caso of traveling, travel-ing, from the tariff tax. Hu goes ho far as to say that nine-tenths of tho Jewels seen In tho nrlstocratlc ballrooms ball-rooms of Now York are nothing more than paste, tho real stones being left at home under lock and key or elso stored In a safo deposit vault, their owners not caring to run tho risk of robbery by wearing them. An Atom of Hydrogen. The size of tho atom of hydrogen Is now calculated to be tho 2SC millionth part of an inch In diameter. Revised Old Testament. Wo wore camping at tho seaside. Tho older ones of tho party wero much Interested In tho senrch for agates, nnd tho children hnd come to feel thnt tho finding of agates was tho chief aim of our oxistcnco. One Sun-dny Sun-dny Hoy's mamma was talking with him about tho story of the children of Israel. Sho helped him with tho story till they brought tho Chosen Peoplo to tho Rod Sen, and then, leaving him to finish, wns amazed to hear him sny: "And so Moses led tho Children of Isrncl ncross tho Hod soa to hunt ngntcs." II. A. Macl.affcrty, In Llttlo Chronicle. Andrew Jackson Relics. Several patriotic societies of Louisiana Lou-isiana have Joined In a project to purchase a largo collection of relics of Andrew Jackson, now In tho possession pos-session of Col. Andrew Jackson of tho family of tho hero of Now Orleans. Tho collection Includes a desk chnlr which onco belonged to George Washington, Wash-ington, nnd which wns presented to Andrew Jackson whllo ho wns an occupant occu-pant of tho White House; a snuff box given to Jackson by Ijifnyctte, and n bronzo stntuo by Napoleon, presented pre-sented by the emperor. A Pugilistic Preacher. Uov. J. J. Wicker, pastor of tho First Ilaptlst church of Trenton, N. J., administered a sound thrashing to a student from Princeton who Insulted several young women on the Btreet. He chnsed tho offender n block, pum-nicled pum-nicled him In tho most npprovod style of tho prize ring and then turned him over to tho police. Tho preacher appeared ap-peared against tho young man In tho police court tho next day and on his evldonco n lino of $10 and costs was Imposed. Strange Tribe of Esklmcs. Tho remnant of n strange trluo of Eskimos hns been discovered on Southampton South-ampton Island, nt tho north end of Hudson bay. Theso peoplo had novor Been a white man until recently. Their huts nro built of tho great Jaws of whales, covered with Bkln-. In tho middle Is an elovntlon, on which Is a stono lamp used for lighting, heating, cooking, melting snow and drying clothes. Tho tribe Is almost extinct, snly seme sixteen being left. Information for the Boys. To becomo a mcmorablo president ono must bo born In tho first quarter of tho year. All tho executives whoso birthdays aro colobratod AVashington, AVashing-ton, Lincoln, McKlnlcy, Jefferson, nnd Jnckson wero born between Jan. 27 and April 2. Now York Mnil aud Express. Ex-press. Mulattoes as Authors. An assistant in tho Congressional Library finds that 2,200 books therein aro written by colored persons. Tho authors nro nearly all mulattoes, tho straight blacks having dono almost nothing. Sign of Advancing Age. About tho first realization that comes to a mother that her child Is growing up is when the llttlo ono sniffs nt a proffered penny with tho remark: "A cent Isn't much." ujoaui'i ..luntrcuqv,. 1" puo)s nj lJoqoy Xq pot'siuliuoaaii (joa Oll JOJ XUpiII'IT B.UlODUn UO BlUUn oav3 on.iuo) oqi jo cls u A( oveuoa Biiosnipussuiu oi(i jo u'nidTi-p oqx snBuox M' jo dS a0ueJ)8 |