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Show A Written Opinion. A portly and pompous man onco held a commission as brigadier gen-oral gen-oral of militia, and a llcenso to prac-tico prac-tico law, neither of which, Bays tho Green Bag, ho had much occasion to use. Ho finally had a caso beforo tho Supremo court nnd proudly hoped to seo his nnmo In tho reports ns counsel coun-sel for tho plaintiff above a long and elaborate opinion ot tho court. When his caso was called on opinion opin-ion day, he was enraged to hear tho slmplo announcement from tho bench, "Affirmed." Aftor tho court adjourned, ho went to Judgo McKtnnoy, whom ho knew well, and said, "Judge, I thought that tho Supremo court, at least, would obey tho law." "Wherein has the court fallod?" asked the Judgo. "The law requires that a written opinion bo delivered In every caso this court tries, and nono was delivered deliv-ered In this case." The judgo had tho rolled record brought to htm and glanced at tho bottom bot-tom of the page. Placing his finger on tho abbreviation, "Aff'd," ho said to Unambitious goneral, "Seo thoro! 'Aff'd.' Isn't that a written opinion?" Youth's Companion. |