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Show THE DRUIDS OF PARIS. Jaded Denlscns of the Gay Capital Have a New Fad. Thero havo been many curious orders, or-ders, sects or confraternities in Paris from time to time, such ns the Host-crucians. Host-crucians. Somo women have now been founding tho "Order of Druid-ness," Druid-ness," and aro reviving the old Celtic mysteries and ceremonies to a remarkable re-markable extent. Tho movement originated or-iginated with two Parlslennes, who, when they wero not wearing tho long flowing white robes of tholr Order, dress In tho most ravishing twontleth century manner. Tho Druldcsses have also Druids, who accompany them to tho Forest of Fontalneblcau, there to celebrate their rites. At the end of each month Druids, and especially espe-cially Druldcsses, march by moonlight when thoro is moonlight, through tho forest, singing hymns to Nature, and addressing poetical invocations to tho moon, the 'rocks, tho streams and tho troes. On tho last night of December tho Druldcsses and their friends went to Fontainebleau Forest thero to pluck tho mlscltoe, or, rather to bring it down with golden bill-hooks. Tho sacred sac-red plant was carefully gathered In a whlto cloth,- all present singing hymns in Its praise. |