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Show CUPID PREFERS A LAMP. Qod of Love Hat Little Use for Gas or Electric Light. "Electric lights and gaB aro no good for courting purposes," said a Washington Wash-ington young man who is moro than nttcntlvo to tho objoct of his affections, affec-tions, a sweet girl of tho west end. "But do not tho parents of your flnncco Insist on thcro bolng light In tho room?" asked a friend. "Oh, yes; wo uso kerosene. Thcro Is nothing llko It. dlvo mo tho good old coal all fur courting. My girl is of an inventlvo turu or bind. You enn't bent her." "What do you mean 7" "Tho piano lamp provides tho parlor par-lor with llpht," replied tho young man, accordingly to tho Washington Star. "It tins a largo red shade, which softens tho light when it is burning. But, do you know, my girl has that light completely under control? Sho Eces to tho filling of tho lamp and sho has it down so flno thnt she knows Just how much oil is needed to burn to a certnln hour, the tlmo thnt tho old folks usually go to bed. When tho flame begins to get dim you may bet every dollar you havo that It is 9:30. That lamp, controlled by so charming a girl as mlno. is a bonanza." |