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Show Challenge, Logan, Utah) April 7, 1003. We the undersigned challenge any two men In thecity for champions. 5 scores eachA S. Rich Aims C. IIansux. Acceptance. LoganUtah, April 8,1003. Mkssus. RiciiAims and ILvxsen. We cheerfully adcent your challenge forchainplonshipiof LoganAWc name April 18th the date. Seven p.m. the time shooting, galley the place. "ouis. W. K. IllJItNllAM C. K. Naiti:k. DR. l A. GRECiME Le, Ear, Noso and Throat. In Dr. Cioall's olllce, tho last day of each month. Salt Lake address, 40 South Main. Summer Herd. I will take horsesVindcattle to pastille pas-tille this summer InJLotan Can on. Jos. in Kovvi,i:s. Considering the quality of goods we cannot be undeisold, Examine our Wallpaper, it is the vijry best and heapest in town. Caidouand Iltiin-liam. Iltiin-liam. Petersen and Sons THE PAINTERS House, Sign and Carriage Painting Shop: One Ulock South of Thatcher's Thatch-er's Ilt.Hk. i s The Danielsen Salky Plow Sold only by tho IIANIELSEN MFG. CO. When jou want any of these plows Call Direct to the Factory. Our prices are Lower and our Plows Superior to anything in tho market. Come direct to the factory andvvc will treat jou right. f The DanielsenMfg Co Logan, Utah Potatoes! Call and sec us sort by machinery We are iri the' Market ,4nd Pay highest Casn Price Before selling your produce do not fail to call upon The M. & S. Seed and Grain Go. " P. S.-Wc carry tho most complete line of GARDEN, FLOWER FLOW-ER and FIELD SEED, also EARLY VERMONT, and EARLY Seed Potatoes in Noithern Utah and Southern Idaho. Mail ordeis gi en prompt attention HMHMHHiilHHHBHMHHMM Watch This Space wfor Wm. Merrill's Add. G R Lumber & Building Company Full stock of Rulldlng Matcilal constantly on hand. Mill work and contiactlng a specialty. Wc also cairy a huge stockf sower pipe and drain tile, and well linings. Yards-South Main Street, Logan. O; K, STORE uon?Innl,,i,niihtifcay "''i0" "V n' scllilllf 0l,t,nK flnnnels, Illankets, Under-weai, Under-weai, and all woolen goods at)cost, e,iiu t?,.,"t,?.,!??lrely '""K,0,1": J9's !llul boi's' clothing at onimialk l'lticia suits that w ei o f o i met ly sold for, 91,1.00 pi Ico now- $.".()0, etc. V and shoesrry " Glnghuii, Peicales, Calicoes, Diess goods, Hosier Also a complete up-to-date lind of Groceries. Jiy coming onco you will toino again. Gho us n trial. I!. J. NIELSEN. |