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Show What Bro. Turner Learned on a Recent trip to Salt Lake. Twenty seven years ago last Sunday a most frightful explosion occurred upon the Arsenal Hill in Salt Lake City. Two young men named Richardson Rich-ardson and Hill it was supposed iired thoughlcssly into a door of one of the magazines, which exploded. There was about iifty tons of powder stored. Tho explosion caused great havoc, hardly a window-light being left in any of the buildings in Salt Lake, and four persons losing their lives. Thousands Thou-sands of dollars damage was done. One or two merchants In the city who were well stocked with window-glass made a fortune. , Ten years ago,on April 0th,1803, the Salt Lake Temple was dedicated. Since that time there lias been 800,000 ordinances preformed. Two Presidents of the Mormon Church, AVIlford AVoodrulIand Lorenzo Snow, have died, also one Apostle, Franklin D. Richards. The subject of keeping out of debt and paying as you go was ono of the principal talks of the Conference. It is said that during the boom In Salt Lake some years ago, many men that wero well oil Invested all their loose means, and mortgaged their homes to speculate in real estate. They failed In their expectations and today themselves them-selves and families have not a roof to cover tliein. A new feature at the Conference were the reports of tho Presidents of various stakes, which consumed most of the time. At tho Sunday School meeting on Sunday night, President Joseph F. Smith spoke In strong languago about boys smoking and profaning on tho temple and tabernacle grounds. John R. AVInder councilor to Prest. Joseph F. Smith Is past 82 years of age. At the present time it Is not certain that the Lucln cutt-off can be built across Salt Lake, as was anticipated. In driving the spiling and titling hi with rock, they appear to have struck a bottomless bog supposed to be formed" form-ed" by the wash soil and sediment coming com-ing down Bear river and settling In the lake. The present trouble Is opposite op-posite or west of the river. Spiling has been driven from sixty to eighty feet across this place with rock to fill around, but Just as soon as a heavy locomotive lo-comotive Is driven on It, the whole business spreads out and the engine falls of into the rock and spiling. Quite a few men have been killed, some live engines having gone olT. Everything considered, tho railroad company Is having a very hard time in constructing construct-ing this piece of road. The company has hunrdeds of "dagoes" at work and have special olllccrs sworn Into guard them. Quite a few men have been hired from Box Elder county to act as special olllccrs. Ex-Sherlll Cardon, of Brlgham, Is there. If the company falls In this project, millions of money will be lost. |