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Show WHEN HARRIQAN BROKE. DOWN. M Scene Brought Back His Own Boy's WM "Ned" Harrlgan, who recontly re- H sumed his stage career, told an inter m estlng anccdoto tho other night. M Friends had assembled to vlsh him WM luck and tho conversation naturally U turned to the profession. U "I'll tell you about tho only tlmo I H over broko down," said tho votoran M actor, according to tho Now York M Mall and Express. "It was In a llttlo M play whero the bad sou had gono M nwny and his mother had to go and M look at his toys and llttlo shoes be- M foro finally giving him up In her "I had lost my own son just beforo but in rehearsal this llttlo scene had H nover touched mo. The opening utght, H though, when that bit of realism came H on, I went nil to pieces, and actually H bad to ring down tho curtain. Tho H looking over tho toys brought my own H loss so keenly to mo that I never WM played that sccno again," M Peanut a Popular Edible. H "I don't supposo It Is generally H known, but nevertheless It Is a fact, M that the ladles aro great consumers of H peanuts," remarked tho proprietor of M a fruit stand Iocatod ou a prominent downtown corner. "I am somewhat W of an observer, and havo been forced Ut to tako noto of this particular fea- MM tuio of my business. Nearly every m night bolated liUBlmnJs stop hero and load their outer pockets with tho fes- M tlvq goobor, tho purchase of less than U two bags boing an oxcoptlon. To my U mind tho peanut trado has mado serl- ous Inroads upon tho fried oyster bust- M ness, for my regular customers tell 'WM mo that thoir wives profer warm goo- m bora to bivalves dono up In crackor J crumbs for a lato suppor." Washing- W ton Star. W Big English Trust W Tho Calico Printers' association Is M ono of the b'ggcst trusts In England. dttiifl n ir-xiu'ips r,3 different flrmt. t-iimnmmmm |