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Show The Woman of Poise. Tho woman of polso Indulges in few exclamations or supcrlativos, and docs not wasto enthusiasm over trifles. Sho is gracious, but never gushing and bIio has acquired the habit of listening attentively, not awaiting with Ill-concenlcd eagerness n pauso in tho conversation to enable her to rush in and tako tho floor. Tho woman of polso never lingers after her good-byo has boon Bpoken; nevor. In fact, under any circumstances talks long whllo standing. Sho does not experlcnco tho difficulty too many peoplo havo of taking icavo gracefully. Shu says good-byo, givos you a bright smile, and Is off to the pleasuro or duty which awaits nor. You do not find out all thcro is to know nlxnit tho woman tho first tlmo you meet her; you becomo acquainted with her by degrees and grow gradually gradu-ally Into her friendship. |