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Show The Passing of a Faithful Friend. "Stylos chnngo in dogs Just as in clothes," said a man who was looking nt somo tiny Pomoraulnus nt tho dog show. "Somo of us wouldn't recog-nlzo recog-nlzo tho cnulno family If we clung to our standards of a generation ago. In tho bench show of to-dny wo miss somo old friends. Did you over think how long It had been since you had seen a Newfoundland dog? I'll bet you can't recall having seen ono In ten years. Tho breed has practically dlod, out, and I understand that thero is but ono kennel in tho world that protends pro-tends to breed Newfoundlands, and that is an obscuro ono in England. When wo consldor that tho Newfoundland Newfound-land was tho closo friend of tho child of twenty-flvo and thirty years ago, and that tho animals wero credited with saving a largo number of lives, It seems strango that sentiment should not havo been strong enough to pro-vont pro-vont tho breed from dying out." Now York Press. |