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Show Simple Home Decoration. Novcr has thero been a timo when somo clement of interest has not attached at-tached Itself to hand work of oven tho simplest kind, and to-day, when tho mechanical processes of pictorial reproduction have practically annihilated annihi-lated tho thought -of handicraft, it is pleasant to know that in many places the lovo for tho old personal element in human endeavor is still cherished as a precious thing. Ono of the mailer fields for exploitation ex-ploitation along theso lines that has been considerably developed during tho last Co' years is that of tho hand decoration of some Btrong or beautiful th'ight which when framed and hung as a wall ornament serves tho double purposo of furnishing a pleasant bit of color for tho eye and giving overy day a needed uplift to tho soul Jaded with tho strain and rush of our modern lifo methods. The writer has a very distinct re-membranco re-membranco of tho effect upji, h'm, during somo gray days in his life, of finding upon the wall of a guest chamber cham-ber of a kindly homo where ho was visiting tho prettily decorated lines now well known, beginning "Sleep sweetly in this pleasant room," etc., and of how much sweeter his rest was than it would havo been had not tho dainty Ilttlo mental sleeping draught been administered. Thero Is also a vivid spot in his mind as to tho timo and pla'i when ho first ran across, during an evening call, William Ellery Channlng's symphony, sym-phony, "To livo content with small means; to seek eleganco rather than luxury," etc., and with what determined determin-ed persistency ho has continued to cling to tho letter and spirit of at least, tho first clauso of that flno little lit-tle production ever slnco. It has been a work of no small pleasuro then to havo been able for several years past to place theso pregnant sorroonettes in many homes whero they havo spoken gently and encouragingly every day to thoso that understood, each carrying with it a bit of hand work In water color in addition to tho helpful text. |