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Show RETURNED WITH A DARE SKIN. How Hunter Kept Promise Made to His Companions. Onco upon a tlmo thero was a hunter hun-ter who left his camp qulto early In tho morning anu promised his companions com-panions that ho would return at night with a bear sain. Lato In tho afternoon a bear found him wandering in tho woods and at onco mado a llorco attach, which was received with a shot that wont wldo of its mark. Then tho combatants closed and tho hunter used his knife. Thoro was a flerco conlllct and tho bear succeeded In stripping tho hunter hun-ter of his clothing, which was scattered scat-tered over tho ground In shreds. Tho bear, having received many wounds, gavo up tho fight and ran to hldo In his don, whllo tho hunter ljmpod through tho woods to his camp looking very much llko Adam walking hi tho gaidon. Moral There Is moro than one way to fulfil a promise. jboX u OOQ'I-S sXtid oouid mix '03pnf 4nojo Boiujg pojiuri u po)uioddu uwq son oq.w 'Suj uio.,v jo jojuiiAopuo.v oapnf .tq p3 .uoua oq oi uoos oanpl v 'jojo)iii otj jo juaunjudap oi) joj unouoS iou JOJ1D 1UU)BSBU JO UOSOd UUJOdtU OU.J joj ojupipuuo u su iioaosoou iuop ISOJrf OJOJOq B BIO(IUOUUlT jo on q ouoana Zoujonv Jo ouiua oiij, uo80d it)H joj psuonua |