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Show Baseball. If you meet a man on tho street these dajs whose face Is beaming with smiles and whoso wholo attitude betokens be-tokens a light, cheery heart, tako out your little memorandum book and Immediately jot him down as a "fan," for tho "fans" are the happiest people along tho line Just now, and well they maybe. Their long winter of discontent discon-tent has now passed, and with the spring dajs comes the opening of the baseball season and its accompanying delights. Every baseball player In the profession profes-sion should be thankful for the existence exist-ence of the "fans," even if they are prone to deride poor plays in a manner man-ner distinctly unlambllkc and to continually con-tinually oiler suggestions as to the proper methods for pennant winning. The "fans" aro the real, slmou pure enthusiasts. They worship baseball and baseball plajcrs even as a Chinese laundryman bows to Joss and chop suey, and they alone keep alive the traditions ot the old time dajs when Rllly-So-and-so held the Sw attcis dow n to a single hit in thirteen innings and when In the ninth Inning, with three men on basses, In tho deciding gamo of tho jcarEddlo Slugger sent the ball over the center Held fenco for a homo am, winning the pennant for the Hug-town Hug-town RilTeis. Yes, tho "fan" was sent Into this vvoild for a purpose, and he lllls it well. Woo bo unto those who do not aw aid him his due! Logan will have but little real base-ball base-ball this j ear of couisc.but It will have Its "fans" Just the same. The National Na-tional league opens Its season April 15, and a few dajs later tho Americans also begin operations. Then will the light for tho major leigue pennant bo ,on In earnest, and our favorite green diamond stars will once more cavort before us, thrilling us by hair raising two and three baggers and discomfiting discomfit-ing our paitlcular enemies by sensational sensa-tional running catches and one hand stops. However, It seems possible that there may be a two-team league in the State, and wo may get to sec one of these games occasionally. The real lover of baseball will find a game somewhere, and If ho can't do that will absorb every detail of the big games in the city, until he can talk of the men and the plays as though he never missed a game. |