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Show Punlohnient fop Wife Beaters. Tho mcrlto of the whipping post for wife heaters arc onco more iindar discussion hi New York stnte. President Presi-dent Roosevelt, vvhllo In tho legislature legisla-ture several ears ago, made a strenuous strenu-ous effort to provido this method of dealing with cruel husbands. After ho lind collected authentlcatetl records rec-ords showing tho astonishing prova-ler.eo prova-ler.eo of this cowardly practice, ho proposed a bill providing for tho revival re-vival of tho whipping post "for wife beaters only." Tho measuro was defeated, de-feated, tho argument being that of tho revival of such punishment would bo a return to barbarous methods. To Exterminate Gypsy Moth. "Tho gypsy moth fight seems to bo on onco more," says the Springfield Republican. "Tho Gypsy Moth Committee Com-mittee of tho Stato Doard of Agriculture Agricul-ture In Its report declares that tho moth was under control when tho policy of extermination was abandoned. aban-doned. It holds that at present that abandonment has resulted In Immense, Im-mense, loss and In tho Impending danger that everything in tho eastern part of tho stato will bo eaten up. Now comes tho mayor ot Maiden and petitions that tho work bo taken up onco more, and that tho. state pay 1100,000 for tho beginning." Urgent Need for New Gavel. The speaker of tho Now York as-sombly as-sombly has had occasion of lato to ufo his gavel freely, tho result being that splinters began to fly from It occasionally. Ono of those struck Cleik Baxter in the faco dangerously closo to the eye. In a fow minutes Assomblyraan Dcdcll sent a resolution to tho dosk. Clerk Baxter read It as follows: "Resolved, That the clerk of tho assembly, for his own protection, bo empovveiod to purchaso a now gavel for tho speaker." "Tho resolution resolu-tion Is unanimously adopted," laconically laconic-ally remarked tho speaker, and tho house smiled. The Best Disinfectants. A one-tenth per cent solution of cor-roslvo cor-roslvo sublimate Is tho only disinfectant disinfect-ant capable of killing all Injurious microbes. mi-crobes. A flvo per cent solution of carbolic acid kllta all except anthrax. Formalin is very deadly to diphtheria bacilli aud carbolic acid to tubercle. Python's Long Fast. Tho great Japanese python which lately died at tho Paris Zoo fasted beforo Its death fur two years, flvo months and three days, and In that time decreased from a weight of 1G5 pounds to CO pounds. |