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Show H WIT AND WISDOM. PPJ ' Thoro Is lots of can't In cant. PP u A wiso woman prefers friends to PPJ j i P , m ' Koop your temper; no ono wants It, PP I! and you may ncod It. P Thoro Is often moro hypocrisy than PP sanctity cut on clerical linos. K I Don't gtvo any ono a pleco of your Ppf mind; you havo none to spare P '' Look prosperous and tho world will PP take you at your own valuation. PP A dyspeptic is kept too busy oiling PP' K his unruly machinery to over find . i tlmo to lovo anything or anybody. !Thoro is n plethora of fools In tho blatant old world as tho fellow who is talking to you may find out Tho woman who weops Is tho woman whoso eyes aro always beautiful; i' i tearless eyn are dull and cold. PPP j !j When a vuman runs around at tho PB business end of a string with a poodlo PK attachment shy off bdo may becomo dangerous. H K PPPJ' i ' Philanthropy has greater lovo for Bl, ty the building with Its spires flaunting H'1 .itfB. Uu nne in the faco of heaven than KtBPA. It has tor tho poor who knock at its PpbippPPPj |