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Show I'oor, unsightly streets are a 11I lit that will kill or rctaul the giowth of any town, and the place that permits them In that condition Is tiying to commit municipal suicide. There Is no season of the j'car when a valid excuse can be offered for permitting per-mitting the streets of a town to present pre-sent an untidy appearance. A number num-ber of eastern towns recently adopted a good plan to keep their streets free of rubbish. Tin lioxes about the sle of ash cans were placed on the street corners for the lcecptlon of waste paper and other rubbish, and the result re-sult Is that the towns using these boxes have cleaner stieets than ever before. It has also led to other plans for beautifying and Improving the communities. A Board of Trade. Why Is It that the business men jot Logan cannot sec the advantage In organizing or-ganizing a board of trade, chamber of commerce, social club or sonic other organlatlon whereby they could get together and discuss matteis pertaining pertain-ing to the building up of the citj ? As the matter stands at piescnt there Is no unity, there has never been a determined deter-mined elloit made along any line for the advancement of the city, and as a result Its giow th has been slow. The inipiovetnent during the past three to llv'o jeais has been very great and should Iw and Is tho source of a great deal of satisfaction, but through a well organized board of tiade, tho same could have been accomplished jeais ago, and moie could be accomplished In another ear than has been accomplished accom-plished In the last ten. A boa id of tiade could force a good roadssystem.a thlngthat Is lapidl becoming be-coming necessary if Logan is to keep tho trade of the out) ing towns. The condition of the roads at ceitaln times of the ear, make It necessary for the smaller towns away oil in the valley to put In moicantile houses of suillclent capacity to supply their every want, and as the citlens of these towns come to the knowledge that It is a waste of time and money to drive to Logan for ever thing they want, they will ceaso to como here and Logan mcichants will lose thousands of dollais. dol-lais. This can bo aveited, and the trade increased by a sjstemat'c and dcteimlned client. This paper does not mean to be a calamity howler, and Is not, for these facts will be recognized recogniz-ed by every man who will stop to think. A board of trade could soon devise de-vise some means of promoting an clec-trlcrallroadsjstcm clec-trlcrallroadsjstcm to circle this valley a thing that In itself would be of Inestimable In-estimable value to tho city and county. coun-ty. A board of trade could oiler Inducements In-ducements for enterprises to locate hcie; It could devise means of advertizing adver-tizing the city; of Improving the city in a thousand and one vvajs. The piospcrity that has come to Logan has really been thrust upon It. Of course enterprising Individuals have done a great deal to buildup the city and this spirit Is to bo appreciated, but If this enterprise was to be brought to gether, united, and directed along the right channel, the result would be sur-pilslng sur-pilslng and highly gratifying. The little town of Ouray, Colorado, tluough Its board of trade Is spending thousands of dollars Just for advertising advertis-ing purposes, and the city's latest movols to place a representative at the Junction to solicit tourist travel. There Is an clfoit to get monejed people peo-ple intciested In the town, and that Is what Logan needs. We havo no doubt Logan will sometime some-time bloom and blossom like the rose but we want to see it come In our-thncand our-thncand Intend to take a dig at the pioposltlon occoslonally, whether it does any good or not. |